welcome - I hope your husband continues to take your beliefs well!!
Hello to everyone!
by redredrose 41 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to JWD!
Welcome, rose. I think you have a good handle on your husband and how best to approach him. Keep up the good work.
Witness 007
Welcome from Australia!
You're not alone! My wife is an active JW (born & raised) and she's married to an evil "apostate". I DA'd after nine years. It's not God's organization. We are here for you!
You have a PM
changeling :)
Just saw your post and wanted to add my welcome.
Start slow with hubby. Read something interesting about Russell-ask hubby-did you know he used to think that a pyramid was God's witness in stone? He is buried in a pyramid shaped grave!!!
Then watch the fun begin!!!
When I cried my eyes out begging my husband to start making an effort to return to the 'truth' (th), after being inactive for so many years, he finally revealed to me that he had doubt. He never told me what those doubts were but that he just wanted to read another Bible translation. After getting over the heartbreak and shock of, yes, being married to an 'apostate', I started reading the NIV Bible. We actually only had one, so we both sat and read it together and we started talking and talking and talking. Venturing on the internet was very slow and cautious at first, but here we are today. If my husband, a man who was raised a JW, who even made the ranks of MS at one point, and who knew the Bible so well had a 'doubt', that was something I just couldn't ignore. Because if he was questioning the JWs, maybe I should have been too.
It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me... still in the anger faze, but trying to get through it. This board has been a huge support.
Glad you are here.
Welcome RRR. You've already beat cancer, so the WTB&TS should be a piece of cake. There is so much on line about jws for you to consider and introduce to your husband. If he's a news junkie, try silentlambs.org or watchtowerdocuments.com or watchtowernews.org (connected to freeminds.org). If he likes trivia, show him http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/ . I love that site! Eventually, you may even get him on here. If he doesn't like to read, try YouTube. Tim Kilgore has more than 30 questions for jws to consider. http://www.youtube.com/user/TimKilgore is his page.
Hope to hear lots more from you soon. If nothing else, you can tell your husband that you've made thousands of on line friends and would like to introduce him to them.
You've already beat cancer, so the WTB&TS should be a piece of cake
W A T C H T O W E R = C A N C E R
certainly not to make light of your physical cancer of course, and thankfully you have recovered...just look at the WTS as another type of cancer that you have to treat (via JWD and other forums) or cut out (by leaving the KH).... will you lose "friends"? Of course...just as maybe you might have had to sacrifice some healthy parts of your body to be sure all of the unhealthy parts are eliminated, the same happens when we leave the Cancer called the Borg (WTBTS).... it hurts, we miss what used to be with our friends, but the benefits of mental freedom far outweighs the loss of so-called friends... and just like cancer, sometimes things from the past JW beliefs creep back into our minds, hearts, lives...and we deal with it if and when it happens...
in the meantime, enjoy your freedom.
Snakes ()