He is 67. He is diabetic. He has pneumonia and sepsis. The had to helicopter him from Truth or Consequences, NM to Las Cruzes during the night.
My sister is 57. She just told me she isn't worried if he doesn't make it. She says, "I know you don't believe the way we do, but this system won't last long enough for me to collect social security." She told me if he dies, and he might, she has no will to go on living anyway. She qualifies for disability, but his disability check is too big for her to get ssi. She didn't work enough to get regular disability. If he doesn't die until she is 65, she collects what he would collect for Social Security. But she won't live that long in this system she says.
I am heartbroken because I have not seen them since 2001. I am sad because my sister has no fight left in her. Armegeddon will solve all of her problems. And I think she almost as much said she will commit suicide if Neal dies. She could do it by not taking her diabetic treatments.
The wtbts ruins lives. They suck.