Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    FIFI & COm C Thank you so much for saying that ....

    Walks away thing "Thank you Lord for those two kind souls"

  • cognac
    is about JWD being instrumental in turning this once uncontrolled and overly-sensitive brat into a man.

    WOW!!! And you have become an awesome man!!!

    JWD is extremely instrumental for so many of us! I look at my posts from just a few months ago and I was so much angrier, hurt, confused... Now, I'm so much more content. I feel I owe so much to this board for that...

    Thanks for that post CC. What a humble post that is... WOW...

  • llbh
    am speaking of the very limited support that can be offered on a discussion Board,even if it was designed for this purpose, as this one was not. This is a discussion forum and not real life, private email, or the telephone, where a semblance of less than facile support can be offered.


    Thank you for acknowledging my point, this board bears little semblance to its original intention, as can be shown. There is, as you acknowledge limited support and advice given here, but it is as you point out then taken and people heed and act upon it . go to the therapists or obtain education, or whatever.

    Yes i know the difference between meeting people in real life and cyberspace. Both have their place .,

    I have heeded some of the advice and acted accordingly that is what is about in part,

    Many of us have shared our tastes in music and literature, like you HS . This board is more than merely about discussion alone.

    But that surely is a whole other thread

    Regards David

  • Sunnygal41

    years ago, when i was first out of the borg and a new person to this forum and to forums period, i would start threads that were on subjects that interested me. i got some good responses, then certain ones on this board began making rude comments, even though i asked in the opening paragraph of the thread for such ones to please just refrain from such comments to let others who were genuinely interested feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts and experiences. it was pretty ugly and i was pretty pissed off that my polite requests were ignored. but, for the most part, simon's board is a good, well rounded place. best thing in the world to do is just ignore the shitheads that just have to be childish and immature.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    nothing has any meaning, we give meaning to everything

    go read "The Power of Now" and get over it

  • Gregor

    Mouthy, I love to pull your leg (gently of course).

  • Sunnygal41

    nothing has any meaning, we give meaning to everything

    go read "The Power of Now" and get over it.

    lol...........yeah, just like that. snap. wake up, have a major revelation. sorry, not everyone can change their whole way of being after reading a book. wouldn't that be wonderful though? just think, no more therapists, no more antidepressants, etc. even eckhart tolle, the author of that book, who did have an amazing instantaneous metamorphosis, realizes he is the exception, rather than the rule. i've read his newest book, and it has helped me immensely, but, it is an ongoing growing experience for me. some days i am totally in the present, other days, it comes in bits and pieces. ingrained thought patterns take time to change.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well there are several people on here who have a habit of making rude remarks, they do this over and over.

    Telling someone they are wrong is one thing.

    Telling someone they are a dumbass, they are a inbred hick, etc etc etc. This is what I call abusive.

    now perhaps it may just be the region of the country they come from, or perhaps they see a christian as an easy target because they know they won't respond back with "F" words, but I have experienced this personally.

    I guess the best way to do is just treat other like you would want to be treated, even if they don't live by the same creed.

  • mouthy

    Mouthy, I love to pull your leg (gently of course).

    Boy you gotta have a very long arm to do that my love I knew you were teasing,,, I wont send you to your room ONLY because it is Fathers day

  • TopHat

    To be truthful and with an honest answer....In my opinion some of the abusers are either drunk or on drugs because no one in their right mind would say some of the nasty and ugly things I have seen on this discussion forum.

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