I'll tell you what I want to wear -- A very tailored perfectly neat business suit (with pants!) .. I just think it would be funny to see them wonder who I was. I think I would go to the bathroom and reapply my lipstick so I would have a chance to get closer and a chance to talk to one of them.
I just might attend this District Convention next Saturday
by Terry 65 Replies latest jw friends
My last assembly was in about 1979 or 1980. This was the one where I had my epiphany, walked straight out, and drove away at a high rate of speed. Never to return to any meeting again ever.
From what I have been reading on this forum (about the only input I have on the borg anymore) - I would probably not be able to recognize that I was even in one of their conventions, so much having been changed since then. And, may I just add - nothing seems to have changed for the better...it is all just about more control, more hammering on FDS and scaring the dubs about apostacy, etc. You can't even buy a damn Coke anymore, for crying out loud!
How about going as Moses ? Get a nice long robe and a staff.Make sure your name badge simply says: "Moses" on it.Some might mistakenly think you're part of the drama but if they ask you can tell them you're just a bit late because Beth-Sarim was sold too early.In fact, Armageddon WOULD HAVE happened in 1975 but you couldn't get a room......and worldwide destruction requires lots of planning.The WT has been holding up the show this whole time !...breakingaway..
Now that's funny....."Moses Arron Sarim" from the "Ark" congergation....wonder how many "security" people would follow you around if you were wearing a Mason's ring with a square and compass on your jacket lapel? Think they would get a little freaky ?
Or maybe even a little Charles Taze Russell pyramid lapel pin ? Followed by someone with a sign that says: "Please be seated". It's funny that I didn't even notice the name badge you did with John Sarim on it until after I did my post, looks like we were on a similar wavelength.
TooBad TooSad
Nothing has changed. I recently attended a DA on the weekend. They have the
same feel and apearrance as the assemblies in the 1960's and 1970's. The only
diference is that they are not in outdoor stadiums and now that I know the truth about
the truth, they are more painful to sit thru. The only good thing are the good meals
in nice restaurants in the evening.
TooBad TooSad
What steps should I take to avoid looking like an Apostate?
Don't bring along your own roll of toilet paper !
My new never-been-a-dub wifey studied briefly, went to a DC (in the 80's) with a couple of her GF's. She was shocked when she finally got thru the long line to the Ladies Room. A sister sitting inside asks "Do you need tissue?" Wifey: "Uh, I guess." Sister hands her 3 squares of toilet paper. She asked, "Is that all I can have?"Sister: "Yes, ma'am." Wifey: "But, what if I have to do ...you know...(#2) ? Sister: "I'm sorry, but, this is all we're allowed to give out."
She finished, then saw the black trash bags taped over the mirrors. She found her friends in the 'special worldly seating' section and told them what happened...they all got up and left ! They couldn't believe all the micromanagement control, "Take Your Seats, Keep Moving, Please Be Quiet, Out of Order signs, Don't Look at Yourself in the Mirror (females only) We Control the Toilet Paper...arrrggghhh..."
And that's all it took for her and her friends to realize "The Truth" wasn't for them.
*sheesh* It took me 35 years and boat loads of pain to realize what she did in a couple of hours !
It is not worth going.
Well, In Palm Beach, they DO BRING IN A BIG BAG OF SMELLY BARBEQUE. They go and get it at lunch and bring it back and eat it in the Auditorium. Seriously.
Oh.... and if you don't want to go as Moses, my second choice would be..... Hellboy.
Looking forward to your responses if you do attend, Terry. ///// I sometimes wonder not so much how they've changed, since I last went, but more so how I have. LOL I had stopped going physically, before I stopped going mentally, (if that makes any sense). I sometimes imagine attending a meeting or something just for the sheer closure of it all. Almost like an alcoholic finally being recovered enough to walk into a bar, no problem, like it was nothing or maybe even a rape victim being able to face her attacker, no problem (cuz rape is about power, not sex). Every once in a while, out of the clear blue, I have a dream (nightmare? haha) wherein I find myself at a district convention. Each time I dream this, I discover that I am more free than the last time and that they have less and less of an impact/hold on me. It's very freeing. ///// I trust you'll let us know how it goes for ya.
Since you're single, (I think I picked that up from various posts you've made), why not do what we did back in the old days?!
Scope out the guys.........in your case, the gals! I will bet you could find a single "sister" that would just go ga-ga
over a "brain" like you, Terry. You could take her out to some nice place after the assembly (maybe a jazz club) and convert her (or at
least plant a seed or two). Now, THAT might be a fun date! You both could discuss the rich spiritual food you partook of and
regurgitate it back and forth.....