It's really been "dumbed down" since 1969.
I just might attend this District Convention next Saturday
by Terry 65 Replies latest jw friends
Without a badge they keep a very close eye on one. I had to use the washroom to mix my drinks. Seems like I was followed most of the time. Things went well until the bag of ice began leaking. On my way out I asked why they didn't sell coolers.
J C Penny's is having a sale on suits this week. A good barber shop hair cut and you are IN Terry. Those badges are everplace...pick "yours" up at lost and found ....
Carry a big sign that says "Come to the dark side". Oh, wait. They are the dark side. I forgot.
edited to say sorry, didn't read your whole post so didn't see the nix on the sign partI guess my "Come to the darkside...We have cookies!" t-shirt from the last ApostaCrawfishboil wouldn't be acceptable convention attire then.
How about this: wear a Harry Potter T-shirt, carry a wand and periodically point it at someone and say "Obliviate!" Oh wait, their memories have already been wiped by the Society, so that's no good . . . but it would be fun!
How about going as Moses ? Get a nice long robe and a staff.Make sure your name badge simply says: "Moses" on it.Some might mistakenly think you're part of the drama but if they ask you can tell them you're just a bit late because Beth-Sarim was sold too early.In fact, Armageddon WOULD HAVE happened in 1975 but you couldn't get a room......and worldwide destruction requires lots of planning.The WT has been holding up the show this whole time !
I just might attend this District Convention next Saturday
You aren't missing anything. They were actually better in the old days, and that is not saying much.
How about going as Moses ? Get a nice long robe and a staff.Make sure your name badge simply says: "Moses" on it.Some might mistakenly think you're part of the drama but if they ask you can tell them you're just a bit late because Beth-Sarim was sold too early.In fact, Armageddon WOULD HAVE happened in 1975 but you couldn't get a room......and worldwide destruction requires lots of planning.The WT has been holding up the show this whole time !...breakingaway..
Now that's funny....."Moses Arron Sarim" from the "Ark" congergation....wonder how many "security" people would follow you around if you were wearing a Mason's ring with a square and compass on your jacket lapel? Think they would get a little freaky?