I just might attend this District Convention next Saturday

by Terry 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I would love to attend and take one of those big over the shoulder ghetto blaster boxes. I would put in some 5 minute tapes with WT sound bites- Like the stay alive til 75, gaff by bro Sunutko, freeminds.org has plenty of them to pick from.

  • Terry

    It's starting to sound exciting!

  • Oroborus21

    lolz since 1969??!

    well they served food then...so make sure to take your lunch this time...or better yet go out to lunch and take your time getting back



  • Blueblades

    Terry don't shave the beard, wear sunglasses and a hat. No one has to know who you are. Tape some of the sessions. Love bomb them back. Don't challenge them for now.

    They, the society ,in watchtower print, have admitted that they have no special knowledge or holy spirit that the rank and file are equal in that. So, where do they get the information about all this holy spirit stuff that they are using for their talks? If you could find that out,that I would like to know.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    You should do it Terry.

    If you don't mind, you should take along some small pieces of paper inscribed with some educational website addresses. 50 carefully placed pieces of paper in washroom stalls, under seats, anywhere where people may find them is sure to nudge at least one mind towards an awakening. Young ones will find them and their curiosity will get the best of them.

    Better yet, since you are a clever sort, you could incude more than website addresses. A series of questions may be quite effective. Or perhaps a bunch of quotes from WT publications. The possibilities are endless!

    The Oracle

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Well it's just more fun to be an overt apostate. Go dressed up as Satan. Just be sure to have someone get some photos. In fact, make a business venture out of it...charge a couple bucks or five for dubs to have their picture taken with you. Some would surely take that chance. All kinds of fun stuff could be done with that one. Go with a bruised head and...

    Oh wait, do it like the football game mascot fights. Two costumes - Jesus chasing Satan up and down the aisles. Jesus chastising Satan for not wearing his name tag. Satan offering all of Brooklyn to Jesus - couldn't offer it if he didn't own it now could he?

    Bah humbug, sounds too Monkeeish. Just go and nod a lot. Take a sick bag. Hefty.

  • Gayle

    Don't forget to pack a lunch. No more cafeteria or refreshment stands.

  • yknot

    Don't forget the worn book bag filled with pubs, printed notebook from theoshare & highlighters......and I suggest a face eager to enjoy the bountiful provisions of the FDS... (vomit)

    Seriously if you do go.....grab up some books to be PDFd for the rest of us and MP3 the talks to accompany your JWD commentary on the event!

    Take one for the team Terry!

  • journey-on

    Sounds like a fun sociology exercise. Observe different people, go to the baptism talk, listen to casual conversations,

    pick someone and strike up a conversation, watch facial reactions and body language in response to various talks, etc.

    Now that might be fun and a real learning experience. Make a sociological study out of it.

  • Quotes

    As I understand it, anyone that does not have a "Convention Name Badge" will be immediately recognized as an outsider, and possibly followed or questioned. Of course, the name badges change every year, and you can only get one at the Kingdom Hall, weeks ago. On that topic, a few years ago, someone scanned the then-current Convention Badge and posted it here. A few minutes with a color printer, and bingo, your disguise is complete. I don't know if anyone has done that for this year's badge, though. ~Q


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