That's a good one. Proof that true apostates run the place.
by Mary 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mary. I haven't seen that they have tied the latest "generation" speculations to 1914. They probably painted themselves into another corner. Good catch! If the "generation" started with the Apostles, the "last days" would have had to start then too. If the last days didn't start with the generation, then they are not related. :-)
As you see, if the generation started in 33AD, then the last days couldn't have started in 1914. It's just too big of a leap. It'd be like saying Jesse James jumped the Grand Canyon. It's just unbelievable. With every doctrinal change the Society makes, their story unravels more. Now every doctrine stands alone and is a dead end. Nothing's connected, and the more they write, the more it reads like there's no Armageddon in anybody's lifetime.
If the Society doesn't behave like they believe their own writings, the Witness people won't act like they believe it either. The 7 year Wallkill building plan isn't helping instill a feeling of doom and gloom in the Witness people. Knorr's policy was "Say we believe it and act like we don't." The problem is, the Society isn't allowing the same responsible behaviors to the Witness people when they discourage education, rational careers, and retirement savings. More than a few of the Witness people in my area have noticed this and are ignoring Society directions.
The Witness people I know who have followed the Society's guidelines have done so to their own detriment. I personally know of area Witnesses going to other church helping hand funds for help paying rent and to buy necessities after the Witnesses refused to assist them. These stories are not making the Awake! magazine.
Now the Society has dead end sub doctrines inside established core doctrines, like the allowed blood fractions inside the no blood policy. One won't stand without the other and neither can be argued to conclusion. It's actually like the Society is TRYING to sabotage their own credibility.
Fred Franz had it all tied together. It was weird with the types, anti-types, 7 trumpets, and resolutions, but it tied together. Now, it's crazy and it diffuses.
Great thread! Keep it up! Good job! -
How about this from within the very same month and year?
"We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry-be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization."
The Watchtower, 11/1/1990, p. 26
"identifying themselves with Jehovahs organization is essential to their salvation."
Our Kingdom Ministry, 11/1990, p. 1.
Eyes Open
Good stuff - thanks. I like that one, nicolaou.
So does this mean you can get disfellowshipped for reading the watchtower now?
More proof that they are just sprewing this garbage out without any thought. They honestly don't believe the stuff they write.
Witness 007
This is madness....the "new light" needs it's globes changed!
AK - Jeff
Wonderfantabulous! Good find.
Yes, unless I have missed something, that is precisely the case of a self righteous bunch of hypocrites painting themselves into a corner again. I have not looked at the context, but 'Watson I believe you have something there'.
Thanx for sharing.
I don't see a change because the article does say that Jesus deciples saw a limited fulfillment in para 14. Para 16 does seem to link 1914 with 9 decades passing since Christ was installed as king and proving "ourselves ready...soon he will come to destroy his enemies".
In para 15 mention is made of the modern day generation of contemporaries but consisting solely of anointed ones.
I may be confused though
Good catch Mary.