Tom have a look at this and tell me if there are no such thing as Bethell jests!!!
Warren Schroeder from Bethel on Freddy, Kline and the apostate books!
by Dogpatch 501 Replies latest jw friends
I said in chat yesterday that I wasn't going to even read this thread. I knew exactly what it was going to contain. Yet.
I started reading it from the last page posted. The feelings rising up within me are absolutely making me physically sick.
As you men all recall your glory days, has it dawned on you the horror and confusion so many of us as innocent and helpless children, were going through and/ or ABOUT TO GO THROUGH, as a direct result of twisted doctrine and lethal policies, due to our parents FOLLOWING YOU?
I just want you to keep that dynamic in mind as you look back on being part of a money-hungry book publishing corporation, fraudulently passing itself off as " a true religion" did to hurt so many...still living and those that have passed.
Yes, it is a caustic statement. It is meant to Be. If you are one who cannot grasp why I would say this pertaining to this thread, I cannot help you, at this time. It will come to you though, IN DUE TIME.
Thank you and sincerely,
As you men all recall your glory days, has it dawned on you the horror and confusion so many of us as innocent and helpless children, were going through and/ or ABOUT TO GO THROUGH, as a direct result of twisted doctrine and lethal policies, due to our parents FOLLOWING YOU?
I couldn't agree more.
Hey, I had 13 shit years in the org and I still enjoyed this thread! It just goes to show that the org isn't as god-inspired as it was claimed to be. BTW, I LOVE the fact that My Book of Bible Stories was the most hazardous to the environment. There is no more fitting book to be the most hazardous :)
lethal policies
you mean
lethal pictures
If Tom had not installed those presses then think of all the fun jests that you would have missed out on. Count your blessings!
Skally and Snowbird,
I'm not sure the guys running the printing room and doing the night watchman duty were exactly creating the "twisted doctrine and lethal policies" that you refer to.
I know you're angry about a lot of things but I'm not sure that's a fair assessment of the people on this thread.
S4 -
Look seeker, I'm entitled to my feelings. I lived this life as a child. It's an absolute fair assesment. And I have every right to state it as such.
Tell me, what was fair about being forced to go along with such hated and destruction as religion in the first place? Answer THAT for your lurkers who aren't posting.
And please, do not patronize me. Ever.
I know what my feelings are about. I own them. I won't deny [edited to correct sp] them. And I will share them. Not just for you, but for the countless ones who don't post and want to yell it out, but fear grips them.
You go ahead and continue to revel in your jw days. That is your right.
But don't think I won't state, as is my right as a member on any thread, my thoughts and feelings pertaining to the topic.
If you truly knew me, that was pretty tame as far as how caustic I am when it comes to this LETHAL organization.
Again, sincerely I say to you,
Does this mean that the "truth book" is not one of your favourites?
Well, Skally, don't you at least admire these guys who left Bethel, (sometimes at great cost to themselves), and had the guts to actually tell it like it really was here for those who did not have this experience?
I sure did not get a feeling that anybody who posted their bethel or school experiences were trying to glorify or apologize for anything.
It was a sickening experience, and the fact that many young guys who were part of it were pretty much trapped into it, and then began to rebel against the brainwash, sometimes by jokes or whatever, is a very liberating thing.
I agreed because this thread reminds me so much of good ol' boys standing around their pickups, chewing their quids, and reminiscing about bygone days when the Negro and women knew their places,
The policies and mentality of the WTS are not that far removed from the Old South Plantation system, e.g., an elite few, self-serving overseers, minimally trained workers, obsequious spies, and total information control. Did I leave out anything?