Ironing (Pressing) Clothes ... Do You?

by compound complex 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Ironers Hard-Pressed,

    I'm pressing a white linen jacket in preparation for a wedding this weekend. It got me to thinking about a topic little (if ever) discussed in polite society, such as yours.

    Do you do drip-dry?

    Do you press clothes for money (I do)?

    Do you mangle your laundry?

    Thanks ever so ...

    CoCo du Repassage

  • Hope4Others

    Years ago I used to iron stuff....but my kids taught me a great trick....

    throw it back in the dryer for 5 minutes and wa lah...wrinkles gone....


  • BFD

    Are you spying on me? This morning I put on a linen shirt that really needed to be ironed. I have not picked up the iron in years. I just threw it in the dryer with a damp sock and it looks better but not ironed.


  • Finally-Free

    I iron only what needs to be done, but I really suck at shirts.


  • mrsjones5

    You press clothes for money?

  • llbh

    This is one of my childhood memories, my mum or dad always used to iron everything , the feeling of the pressed clothes was delightful.. Sadly now with the advent of jeans annd t shirts i rarely wear clothes that are ironed.


  • dinah

    I don't think I even own an iron. I'd have to go look.

    Hope's trick really works.

  • littlerockguy

    I hang my clothes on the racks and use the portable steamer since I do not have a dryer in my apartment; using both I now wear rayon, sturdy cotton clothes that sometimes get deep wrinkles and other non-permanent press and it takes no time to get the wrinkles. I will even make creases in pants; saves time and money and space since I dont have to set up the ironing board


  • Casper

    Hey CoCo,

    Nothing ever gets ironed around our house... I opt for drip dry, or back in the dryer with a damp towel....seems to work for us.

    Nope, never pressed clothes for money... I've known several people that have over the years.

    My mother used to iron everything, even pillow cases...

    LOL... No, don't believe I mangle the laundry....not much you can do to mess up jeans and tee shirts...


  • ex-nj-jw

    Drip dry only items that can't go in the dryer then before wearing them I iron them

    I hate to wear clothes that are wrinkled and putting them in the dryer doesn't work for me. I have to have that crisp look

    No I don't mangle clothes and it burns me up when the hubby takes the clothes out of the dryer and balls them up or shoves them in the clothes basket

    Iron for money? Ha! I hate to iron so no, and I only iron my clothes everyone else is on his own.

    You really iron for money?


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