I just hang up the clothes after washing on a rack and let it air dry. With the types of fabric nowadays that is sufficient.
Ironing (Pressing) Clothes ... Do You?
by compound complex 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was spoiled. My mom used to iron my socks, underwear, sheets & pillowcases. She even used to iron my jeans and put creases in them. I eventually talked her out of that...
My oldest daughter works at a dry cleaners/laundry, and her kids' clothes are always pressed so neatly.
Their school uniforms are the sharpest in the school!
Bumble Bee
If the wrinkles don't come out in the dryer, I'll pull out the iron. I do love fresh crisply ironed pillowcases though .
I will iron only when absolutely necessary. In my younger (unemployed) days, ironing seemed to use up a lot of downtime - it was something I did when the children were napping. Now it feels almost like the hausfrau's version of "busy-work", equivalent to the "busy-work" we had to keep up with as JWs - such as Personal Study™, reading the Magazines™, Meeting™ preparation, and Field Service™ - and there never seemed to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all of it.
On occasion, I do enjoy the luxury of getting into my bed with freshly ironed sheets and pillowcases. And a little spritz of linen fragrance. But the effect is gone by morning, so it's not something I can enjoy on a daily basis.
Perhaps in a decade or so, when I have retired and we start up our B&B, I will have more motivation to iron.
LOL that's so funny that this thread came up now. I only iron when I cannot avoid it, hate ironing. My boyfriend came to me yesterday looking for a clean ironed shirt, I showed him where the iron was, (he should know) and he looked at me baffled and said, "I've never ironed a shirt in my life"....Spoiled much?? I said and walked away. hehe
I solved this problem long ago; all of my clothes are made of irons.They're heavy....but it's worth it.
If you ever came to my house you would think"Suzie Homemaker" lived here, but, I cannot iron to save my life! When something really needs to look good, I have my husband iron it. Otherwise, I run the iron over the garment, best I can, and keep on going.
changlling :)
starched jeans
Please, please, please stop doing that! Don't even iron them. Clinton and Stacey from "What Not To Wear" will kill you. That is an 80's thing.
changeling :)
I just hang up the clothes after washing on a rack and let it air dry. With the types of fabric nowadays that is sufficient
So true, Blondie. Except for linen or cotton shirts.
changeling :)