Ironing (Pressing) Clothes ... Do You?

by compound complex 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I just hang up the clothes after washing on a rack and let it air dry. With the types of fabric nowadays that is sufficient.

  • Finally-Free

    I was spoiled. My mom used to iron my socks, underwear, sheets & pillowcases. She even used to iron my jeans and put creases in them. I eventually talked her out of that...


  • snowbird

    My oldest daughter works at a dry cleaners/laundry, and her kids' clothes are always pressed so neatly.

    Their school uniforms are the sharpest in the school!


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    If the wrinkles don't come out in the dryer, I'll pull out the iron. I do love fresh crisply ironed pillowcases though .


  • Scully

    I will iron only when absolutely necessary. In my younger (unemployed) days, ironing seemed to use up a lot of downtime - it was something I did when the children were napping. Now it feels almost like the hausfrau's version of "busy-work", equivalent to the "busy-work" we had to keep up with as JWs - such as Personal Study™, reading the Magazines™, Meeting™ preparation, and Field Service™ - and there never seemed to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all of it.

    On occasion, I do enjoy the luxury of getting into my bed with freshly ironed sheets and pillowcases. And a little spritz of linen fragrance. But the effect is gone by morning, so it's not something I can enjoy on a daily basis.

    Perhaps in a decade or so, when I have retired and we start up our B&B, I will have more motivation to iron.

  • sweetstuff

    LOL that's so funny that this thread came up now. I only iron when I cannot avoid it, hate ironing. My boyfriend came to me yesterday looking for a clean ironed shirt, I showed him where the iron was, (he should know) and he looked at me baffled and said, "I've never ironed a shirt in my life"....Spoiled much?? I said and walked away. hehe

  • BreakingAway

    I solved this problem long ago; all of my clothes are made of irons.They're heavy....but it's worth it.

  • changeling

    If you ever came to my house you would think"Suzie Homemaker" lived here, but, I cannot iron to save my life! When something really needs to look good, I have my husband iron it. Otherwise, I run the iron over the garment, best I can, and keep on going.

    changlling :)

  • changeling
    starched jeans

    Please, please, please stop doing that! Don't even iron them. Clinton and Stacey from "What Not To Wear" will kill you. That is an 80's thing.

    changeling :)

  • changeling
    I just hang up the clothes after washing on a rack and let it air dry. With the types of fabric nowadays that is sufficient

    So true, Blondie. Except for linen or cotton shirts.

    changeling :)

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