The Governing Body
Lets list everything that has pagan origins!!
by song19 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The ceremony of the 'passing of the bread' or 'eating of the body' of the sacrificial victim, originated with Babylon which was then picked up by Babylons biggest fan club, the Israelites.
Therefore, in the passing of the bread and wine ceremony the Jehovah's Witnesses are practicing and ancient Babylonian ceremony.
Bizarre for a religion that claims to be exempt and pure from false Babylonian worship! My ass they are!!
Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs. They were very common when I was going door to door.
White Dove
Bread and wine = cakes and ale used for grounding energy after a pagan ceremony.
Wedding ring finger = superstition of vein in that finger leading to the heart.
Bride carrying flowers = bride carrying herbs to ward off evil spirits.
Bridal veil = veil protected marriage from bad luck so bad spirits couldn't enter the bride.
Throwing rice = wishing good luck.
Watchtower = Watchtowers of the north, east, south, and west that have gates that are open to allow dieties to enter for ceremonies. Unsure if this is the root of the WTS's name. Did it come from paganism and make its way into the Bible, and then WTS picked up on it?
These are all the ones that I know of that pertain to the WTS. They allow most of this but cut out rice throwing. ???
In ancient times the bride had her attendants dressed like her at her wedding, to confuse the vengeful, evil spirits and keep them from smiting her with bad luck.
I remember being told to not wear a cameo--does it have pagan origins?
playing cards - modern day version of Tarot cards. Back then tarot was a game as well as a divinatory tool
There are many namebrands with pagan names. A couple that come to mind are Nike (goddess of victory) and Sprite. Oh, and Pandora.
Human - pagans are human
The WTS - Russel used the pyramid to calculate the 607 bc right?
mind blown