Anything to do with the Calendar is pagan, days of the week, month names and more. Take a look at the time unit names themselves.
Hours = horus
Sunset = sun + set - Set=Egyptian god of the night
Sunrise = sun + ra = Ra = egyptian god of the sun (they had a few].
minutes = many "m" words in these things relate to the moon,
month = moon+th
seconds = is a measurement started by astrologists.
The divisions of time into 12 and 60 are of course babylon another bunch of famous astrologers.
Xianity itself is entirely pagan. Nearly every story is a copy from some othe rmore ancient sacred text.
- Many psalms are taken from Akenhaten etc
- take a look at the meanings of many OT characters and you will find they are nearly paying homage to pagan gods
- Laban = white as in moon.
- We can also find abraham and sarah in the hindu text, Abraham same consonents and sounds to Brahmans..