yes better not use eye makeup! Not only is it rooted in paganism but it is put in a negative light in the Jezebel the pagan Zidonian and wife of wicked King Ahab is described as wearing it.
Lets list everything that has pagan origins!!
by song19 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wind chimes...used to protect from evil spirits.
I saw a History Channel the other night on the Ark of the Covenant.
They showed an artifact from Egypt - dating back from before the supposed escape of the Israelites - of an ark-like box which actually had two figurines attached sort of like the cherubim - except that they were Egyptian deities.
Speculation was that the idea for the Ark actually had ancient Egyptian origins.
And speaking further on the early occultism in the WTS - what about the Israelites? The holy dice thing, the Ephod of the Priesthood, the copper serpent, witchcraft associated with Saul, attempted Abrahamic human sacrifice, etc...
For that matter, are the Israelites the very first human society ever to practice animal sacrifice? I think the fossil record would say otherwise.
make-up.....funny about that an older lady I studied with pointed out a scripture one day to me, about the painting of eyes
stems from Egypt .....I always wore black liner still do laughed it off, she smiled when she showed me.
But not the hearts..... I love the hearts......
The suit and tie. Originally, it was a suit worn under the armor in medieval times. King charles 2 copied louis 14 in decreeing the wearing the suit at their courts.
S -
Here's another list:
and: -
There aren't many things that you can't trace back to "pagan origin" .
Somewhere, some time in the past, whatever it is, you will find that "pagans" were either doing, using or saying the same things.
Dildos. Findings of the archaeologists show that ancient Egyptians used dildos 2,500 years ago.
Toilets. The flush toilet was invented by Thomas Crapper. There is no evidence that he was a worshipper of Jehovah.
In regards to the Watchtower wanting to change the calendar -- they did have an abortive attempt in 1935 to re-configure the calendar to eliminate all pagan references. It was hilarious, and eventually abandoned.
It was called "The Calendar of Jehovah God".