are mixed race marriages ok?

by Star57 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    "The only thing I feel is an extra bonus to any relationship is learn the language and learn the culture of the other person. Then when they do certain things you will understand."

    That is so right. It is truly a good way to show someone that you care about them and that they mean something special to you.

  • JimmyPage

    Absolutely it's okay.

  • ohiocowboy

    Of course it is OK for one human being to marry another human being...

  • Hortensia

    what do you mean, is it OK? Who is running your life? If you are, then you say if it is OK or not. If someone else is running your life, then you need to get free first to make your own decisions. I would be more worried about marrying a man who comes from a culture that treats women badly. I've known several women who did that and none of those marriages turned out well. Too great a difference in culture.

  • wildfell

    The fact that we can interbreed shows that we are of the same race! What does set us apart is culture and religion.

    My husband and I are not of the same nationality. If I was you I would learn all that I can about the culture. Learn about how they view women and their appropriate role in life and what would be expected of you. If your boyfriend (?) is a muslim, please learn everything you can about his religion because odds on he (and his family) will demand that you convert to Islam and practice their religion. Your children will also have to be muslim. That may/may not appeal to you. Having said that, there are millions of Christians in the middle east and this may not be a consideration. Marriage of people from two different cultures can be lovely and enriching. (Sometimes frustrating, too!!) But not when one person has to completely conform.

  • ohiocowboy

    I am sorry if my post offended you Hortensia.

  • Star57

    QUOTE: As long as they have red blood running through their veins and they are Homo sapiens..... I'm pretty sure it's a good thing!(sorry guys, cant find the quote button)

    Humans blood actually runs blue.
    Something I am happy to say is that he is not Muslim. He is Christian... and I never would have came on here to ask this question, it was just that my grandma was telling me about a scripture that says something about yolk... and she thinks it means we should stay within our own religion/culture. I disagreed, and wanted to find out what the bible said about it to back myself up. i tried finding scrptures, but i had to get ready for work and didnt have time.

    we only have one problem.. His parents won't allow him to marry a Canadian at all ( I am canadian). We dont know what to do about it, cuz its either me or his family, and the thought of losing his family is a lot of pressure on him... but so is the thought of losing me... and I don't want him to lose his family, but i cant stand the thought of losing him... it hurts every time we are together, and I feel really sad when he makes me laugh, cuz i dont know how long we have to be together. His parents dont know bout us, and if they did he would be kicked out.... I love him so so much.... I wish there were a way to convince them to accept us... I really wish there were...

    and i know we are all human.. i hate dividing us too.. even though i did with the question.. but i even said that too him when we were talking about it.. I asked him if his parents cared at all about how he feels and he was like its not like that.. its just that people would talk.. and i was like what ppl? other Iraqi's? and he was yeah like my family, and i lost it... i was like omg this makes me feel so alienated, would i be scum to them!? I am just as much human being as anyone else is!

    its so hard... we dont want to lose eachother...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    OMG my wife and I found some new differences. She likes salmon sushi and I like salmon sashimi. What's a mixed couple to do?

    Can we make it?

  • Junction-Guy

    Are either or both of you Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • Hortensia

    of course it didn't offend me! I wasn't offended at all. I was just shooting my mouth off, as usual...Just ignore me.

    Berk Breathed called it offensensitivity - I always thought was a neat word.

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