Human Rights For Apes?

by hamilcarr 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr

    Another hot topic in contemporary legislation: should human rights be extended to include non-human species?

    The Spanish parliament answered in the affirmative to this question.

    World Briefing | Europe

    Spain: Life and Liberty for Apes Get Support of Parliament Panel

    By REUTERS Published: June 26, 2008

    A Spanish parliamentary committee voiced its support for great apes’ rights to life and freedom, opening the door for Spain’s legislature to become the first national one to call for such rights for nonhumans.

    The panel approved resolutions urging Spain to comply with the Great Apes Project, devised by scientists and philosophers in 1993 to protect apes, which are man’s closest genetic relatives. If the legislation gets final approval, as expected, it will ban harmful experiments on apes and make keeping them for circuses, television commercials or filming illegal under Spain’s penal code.

    Keeping an estimated 315 apes in Spanish zoos would not be illegal, but supporters of the bill say conditions would need to improve drastically in 70 percent of zoos to comply with the new standards.

    Human rights for apes: Worth imitation all over the world or typical European silliness?

  • MissingLink

    Animals do need some rights - against obvious physical abuse. But these things go WAY too far. And the freaks that put these things forward care more about animals than people.

    Not allowed to FILM them? Why not? Are they embarrassed or something?

  • frankiespeakin

    I think it is a step in the right direction. And if condition improve for our intelligent closely related species I applaud it but still only recognize it as just a step and not total equality which is where I see this going eventually in Spain.

  • Awakened07
  • Elgiard

    So... are the apes now allowed to drive, seek employment, earn minimum wage, attend public schools, retire, go on welfare, travel, etc? No? But these are all rights that humans take for granted. So would it be logical to conclude that this is truly about granting rights to apes, or about taking them from people?

  • frankiespeakin


    I think this clearly indicates a rise in consciousness for our speicies,, the facts are that Apes are our distant brothers that developed a little diferently than us in the not that distant past(2or3 mill yrs).

    This Christian indoctrinated atitude: "we are higher than the animals and in the image of god so we can do with these other speicies,, what ever we want". is a much lower form of consciousness that is giving way to something more (excuse the term) "humane".

    Treating our fellow apes as fellow humans is the way to go, or at least to sympathize with them and be able to atleast look at things from his POV as much as limited human imagination will allow seems to be a good thing. True others with a very limited scope in this area may scoff and think it bordering on rediculous,, as it may be to hard a mental exercize or not worth thier effort from thier POV.

  • ohiocowboy

    Human Rights for George Bush? Apes Yes. Georgie boy-Not so much!

  • slimboyfat

    Human rights for apes? You making a monkey out of me?

  • BurnTheShips
    Human Rights For Apes?

    Certainly, animals should be cared for humanely, but human rights?

    More evidence of the decline and future fall of Western Civilization.


  • hamilcarr

    Awakened 07, Thanks for posting this amazing clip.

    Makes us rethink 'species superiority'

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