Ink, do you believe you have more right not to be experimented on than an ape?
This is a really good question, and honestly I am torn. We accept that experimenting
on humans is ok as long as they volunteer. Obviously apes can't volunteer, but if they
understood what was at stake, would some of them? Can we afford to wait until they
achieve a higher lever of sentience to decide these things, or are we at risk of
losing the best parts of what it means to be human by continuing to use animals as
mindless tools?
What if the experiments are not harmful? Can it be seen as their "Career"?
They didn't choose it, but neither do people living in communistic societies.
Of course, you can say those humans are not being granted thier human rights either...
How WOULD a free ape make a living in a modern world? I think acting would be
a desirable career.
Why should plants die so that we might live, but animals should not? We are all related,
and we are stuck in a universe where one must die for another to live