The Republican Party Frustrates me!

by free2beme 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Being a former Witness, when I first left the religion, I thought it would be a good idea to stick with a party that was fairly conservative in their stand. Although, in many ways I did not agree with them, I liked the Republicans more then the Democrats. So I registered Republican. Here is the thing though, and it really frustrates me. Why does a party that is stereotyped to be old men in suits, keep putting men on the ticket that are just that? When Bob Dole ran, I thought then "Is that really the best Republicans can offer?" and guess what, he ran and got smoked by a younger man who was promoting change. The same thing happened when Bush Sr ran against Clinton.

    Of course, in 2000, Bush runs and he wins (sort of) by being a younger Republican and maybe able to connect to the next generation of Americans born after WW2. He wins again, because everyone could see Kerry was even a bigger prick then him.

    Now we come to this year. They are saying, that because of the War, Economy, and Bush be very very unpopular, the Republicans will have a struggle to win in November. So what should they do? Why not put an old man in a suit on the ticket. Someone in their 70's! Lets forget about the younger generation that is voting and looking for someone more in touch with them, let's get an old man. It worked with Dole, right? It is always like this, "We need to give him his turn?" Why, do they not want to win? I personally looked in to the man, did not like him. I told myself early on, "Anyone who thinks the American people are dumb enough to think removing a 15 cent federal tax for the summer was how to fix rising fuel cost," Will not get my vote.

    So I am perplexed, I think Obama is a dishonest flaky politician who will say anything to get elected with no center message and McCain, a god damn old man who seems to old for the job and out of touch with the new generation.

    What an election year! At least you know, our government is so F'ed up in modern times, that nothing will get done right with either one anyway.

  • avishai

    Well, a good start would be actually being fiscally conservative. The Bush govt. spends like a drunken sailor

  • zeroday
    The Bush govt. spends like a drunken sailor

    I am ashamed to say I voted for him he spent more than Clinton...McCain does nothing for me either but between Him and Obama I'll have to hold my nose and vote for McCain...

  • amicus
    Of course, in 2000, Bush runs and he wins (sort of) by being a younger Republican and maybe able to connect to the next generation of Americans born after WW2. He wins again, because everyone could see Kerry was even a bigger prick then him.

    I usually vote 3rd party candidates (vote your conscience and all that). So I'm pretty sure I didn't vote for Gore, Bush or Kerry during these two elections. Having said that, I'm not sure Bush really ever won at all. I think the International Community should intervene here in the US to try to insure that our electoral process is above board. We certainly aren't setting a high standard for free and fair elections as things stand now.

  • zeroday
    I think the International Community should intervene here in the US to try to insure that our electoral process is above board.

    Why don't you get your head out of dream world and study the facts, better yet stay in your dream world and spare us your warped reality...

  • owenfieldreams

    Not that I am by any means a John McCain enthusiast, but I seem to recall an "old man" in a suit that won two presidential landslides back in the eighties.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    out of touch with the new generation.

    What Republican isn't? McCain got the nomination because he was the best chance the party had in the general election, old or not.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    From my experiences, Republicans are likely to be older. It only make sense that they would use an older candidate. It works well for them as well, when you consider that 5 of the last 7 presidential elections were won by Republicans.

  • thecarpenter

    Personally, age isn't too big a factor. If that is a big criteria in someone's decision making, I think that they should stay home on election day. Although McCain isn't as charismatic as Obama, he is more experienced in working with both parties. I really tried to like Obama but he really is naive. His comments concerning foreign issues (such as Pakistan), the economy, law enforcement (patriot act and stance on domestic terrorism), partial birth abortions, etc... just make me shake my head in disbelief. I have asked obama supporters why they liked Obama and was not surprised by their level of ignorance. People are taken in by his charm and well meaning answers but have no clue as to how he plans to realistically handle todays problems. Although Obama seems to be a pleasant and amiable fellow, I think he will be a ineffective President who will leave the country worse off than it is today. I will vote for McCain in November.

  • oldflame

    I believe in voting the right person for the job, but since there is no right person anymore then that leaves me to not vote for either one of them. I think they both suck and no matter who is in things are not going to get better anytime soon. What people do not understand is that Bush has put our country into way over debt ! Our childrens childrens children are going to be paying for what Bush has done this last 8 years.

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