The Republican Party Frustrates me!

by free2beme 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    I registered Independent after I left. By the looks of things, the two candidates we have now are going to outspend even Bush.

    Very depressing.

  • BurnTheShips
    I think the International Community should intervene here in the US to try to insure that our electoral process is above board.

    Put the weed down dude...

  • IP_SEC

    1. The differences between Republicans and Democrats (parties) are purely ideological.
    2. In practice, there are no real differences between the parties.
    3. The parties split and weaken We The People by design.

    On spending: Without ever exponentially increasing debt the economy would crash. There would be no money. Government debt provides a great deal of the overall debt. If the government did not spend like it does, the Great Depression would look like a walk in the park. No its not good, but that is how the current money system works.

  • BurnTheShips
    On spending: Without ever exponentially increasing debt the economy would crash. There would be no money. Government debt provides a great deal of the overall debt. If the government did not spend like it does, the Great Depression would look like a walk in the park. No its not good, but that is how the current money system works.

    And increased money supply and debt is paying diminishing returns, as it has for some time, like an insulin resistant body.

  • hamilcarr
    I think the International Community should intervene here in the US to try to insure that our electoral process is above board.

    Transnational control mechanisms would be a much better tool in promoting American/European ideals of democracy than the one currently used in the Middle East.

  • BurnTheShips
    Transnational control mechanisms would be a much better tool in promoting American/European ideals of democracy than the one currently used in the Middle East.

    It seems to me that said "transnational control mechanisms" have largely opted out of any sort of promotion past platitudes and other verbalizations.

    Transnational control mechanisms have no teeth. At this point in history, the teeth still are under the sole control of the nation-state. That is the only real actor.

  • Dorktacular

    Most political parties frustrate me! Personally, I am a fiscal conservative but a social liberal. I believe that people should be able to do whatever they want, just as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's rights to life, liberty or property. I also believe that the government shouldn't use my money on crap; just the necessities. So, most of the time I lean toward being a libertarian. As of late, even the libertarians frustrate me. I guess I'll vote for myself!

  • free2beme

    Ever wonder why retirement age does not apply to the people running for office? I do.

  • hamilcarr
    At this point in history, the teeth still are under the sole control of the nation-state. That is the only real actor.

    Yes, at this point, but not for long. When compared to the previous centuries, it seems that nation-states have had their best time. Nations have stopped rising against nations. The new actors are sub- or supranational. Thanks to increased mobility and better access to information, this trend is liable to become stronger.

  • BurnTheShips

    Let us hope for the former.

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