
by ColdRedRain 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • avishai
    Violence - a kick? ask yourself is she honestly a threat to you - a man - so much stronger than her? (unless of course she's a strong girl)

    I'm sorry, but that's absolute bullshit. Every woman that's hit me has used that logic "Your bigger so it's OK". Are you high? Do you know how many men in this country that are abusive kick the shit out of women stronger than them each day? It starts with little kicks "because you made them mad" etc. It's just the same, no different. Here's a thread I wrote about it a few years ago.

  • babygirl75

    I 100% agree with Hope...that's exactly what I was going to say...

    Run Forest...Run!!!!

  • saywhat29


    How the hell do you make 50 dollars last three weeks?! You would have to walk everywhere... eat oodles and noodles and grow your own food and basically do a whole lotta free stuff (which there is a lot if you are creative but most people aren't- not al the time)

    I must be bad at finances as well... wanna be my boyfriend and teach me how to deal with my wallet 'cause man- that's remarkable!

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    My Gran used to say "when in doubt, do without".

    I think that you know that answer already dude. Good Luck!

  • avishai

    Sorry if I came off so harshly Loubelle, but domestic violence is a hot button for me.

  • StAnn

    Avi, I grew up with a girl who was amazing. She could unload an entire wagon full of hay bales, throw them up into the barn loft, and then have them all stacked within 30 minutes. She was stronger than any man I knew. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding when she got married. She beat the living daylights out of her husband, repeatedly, and they finally divorced over it. Everyone believed that, if they stayed married, she'd kill him. They were JWs, too, in my cong. Some women are as vicious as men. My ex-husband beat up on me, so I too am very sensitive about spousal abuse.

    And I can make $50 scream! Sometimes people call our church needing food and my priest calls me and asks me to go shopping for them. He calls me because he knows I can feed a family of four for a week on $70, making good use of the church's money.

    Of course, that's going up....


  • LouBelle

    Avishai - you are free to speak your mind. Of course domestic violence is NOT OK and just because one is bigger than another does not make it ok. That is not what I am saying at all and I'm sure you know that. Perhaps I should have clarified or worded it better....I mean I "play kick/punch/smack on ass" people - it's not a serious thing. What he needs to assess was it serious? Is she seriously a violent person - we don't have all the facts - we don't know her side of the story - why I say this is because he claims to make 50 bucks last a week (slight exageration I'm sure) so using logic I am assuming the "she is also a violent person" (a kick) may be a slight exageration (this is just my opinion of course) Only he knows the truth re: that situation.

    I think if you saw understood the tone of my original post you would have seen what I was getting across - Assess the situation maturely and use honest open communication with her.

  • avishai

    No, see I'm not "sure" he's exaggerating. I've read CRR's posts for years, corresponded w/ him on myspace, etc. and am pretty damn sure that if she kicked him it was'nt in "play".

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Some women are as vicious as men.

    More accurately, some men are as vicious as women. There's a double standard about what is acceptable. It's taboo for a man to even defend himself from a woman.

  • Twitch

    "when in doubt, do without" - well said

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