do you love me??......

by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Darlin: You need to level with HER. Put all your cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may. You DO have it in you. You CAN handle it. It may end your marriage, or it may make it stronger. You'll never know till you take the plunge.But whatever happens, you CAN and WILL survive.

    FYI: You're not suppossed to eat food that's been left out all night! I'm betting your next thread will be: "Help, oompa has a bellyache!"

    changeling :)

  • NewYork44M

    If you asked my ex she would probably say that she loved me. But, by her actions she clearly did not like me. There is a big difference.

    For the right price you can always get someone to say they love you. But - LIKE. Now that is something completely different.

    I will go for like over love any day of the week

  • littleblueuk

    Isn't the real question whether you still love her? Is it possible to put all of the religious stuff aside and have a normal relationship???

  • mrsjones5

    I will go for like over love any day of the week

    Funny how that works, huh? I was just thinking about that the other day, a cousin of mind had just said to me recently that her mother loves her but doesn't like her. Which echoed in my mind cuz that's exactly what I think about my parents especially my mother. Somehow the not liking part overshadows the supposed love.

    I ask my hubby all the time if he loves me, not that he needs a prompt, but just because I like to hear him say that he does. And we're both in extreme like.

  • Robdar

    I think you are delightful and have much affection for you. Sorry your family isn't getting along......

  • NewYork44M
    Is it possible to put all of the religious stuff aside and have a normal relationship???

    I can't speak for Oompa, but in my case the answer was no.

  • DJK

    I love quite a few people, my wife is no exception, but I'm not IN love with them.

    There is a difference. Do you find that confusing?


    ..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    Is it possible to put all of the religious stuff aside and have a normal relationship???
    I can't speak for Oompa, but in my case the answer was no.

    I don't feel that I have a normal relationship either. My wife thinks its fine that my ex-friends shun me. Her agreement with a pharisaical org is a big turn-off right there.

  • oompa
    littleblueuk: Isn't the real question whether you still love her? Is it possible to put all of the religious stuff aside and have a normal relationship???

    no.............and no........i could love this woman

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