Let's Talk About Anything ! I can take it ! How is Your Life Going ?

by flipper 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I'm tired and I wish I had a job in my field so I could make some real money. Not a lot of fashion production in the cornfields of indiana

  • BFD

    Hi Mr. Flipper,

    Today was a Monday from hell. My client decided to get a Public Adjuster to handle his insurance claim which will only delay the check I was to recieve for the work already completed on the fire damaged house. What's another $27K?!?!?!? So I will have sub-contractors after me for payment and no way to pay them until the PA and the insurance adjuster reach a settlement. Pray for me! It can't hurt.

    Then I came home to a flurry of feathers on my back porch and discovered my cat Simon's new play thing flopping around in the grass. Poor little mourning dove. I took it to the wild life rescue lady on the other side of town. On the way home decided to stop at the market to pick up a few items...cost $68.00 WTF?!?! I didn't really buy anything.

    Then just moments ago my computer was attacked by some worm or virus or some stupid shit. Thankfully I was able to re-boot and clean out the hard drive.

    Other than that, I'm fine aside from some other legal problems.

    The sun will come out tomorrow....


  • Pandoras cat
    Pandoras cat

    Hey Mr. Flipper!!

    Just finished my dinner with the family and was going to reply to your other thread, but ya started a new thread and so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. I am sorry to hear that your clients are not paying!!! That really stinks. My hubby and I own our business as well (like most JW's) and are treading water. People are paying but the phone is not ringing. It is alarming. But what can you do... Oh yeah that's right we can have the government bail us out just like what they are doing now for the Fannnie Mae and her twin Freddie Mac!!! Don't even get me started!!

    So, am I happy? Depends on what day. I have a husband who loves me and his family but are being shunned big time by everyone else that I have held dear. Part of the journey. Sorry to hear that your daughters are not in contact with you. That has got to hurt. I have read some of your posts in the past, don't you have a son? Were you the guys that took pictures of bigfoot prints? I thought that was very interesting.

    Anyway, the weather is awesome and my garden is doing great!!! This cat will stop yapping now--have a wonderful evening


  • serendipity

    I'm in a transition period right now, so things are unsettled. I'm trying to focus on the exciting freedom unemployment brings, but I feel more anxiety than anything else, especially with daily bad economic news. I tell myself "this too shall pass". I only hope that I am brave enough to hold out for a job in an industry that interests me rather than just taking the first thing that comes along.

  • beksbks

    ummmm I have cramps?

  • megs

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been having a rough go of things lately... Sometimes you feel alone in the world when things go poorly. However, if I look on the bright side... I have a roof over my head, enough money to eat AND pay the rent, I'm healthy, I hear birds singing and I am blessed with good friends who care

  • jamiebowers

    I am very busy with two part time jobs, but I don't make enough money. My husband works in the automotive industry, and he is putting in way too many hours. It looks like there will be no let up for at least a few years on that. At least he's making decent money with the overtime, but he has time for little else. We are trying to get a remodeling job done on our house, but I have a physical disability that keeps me from being much help. We're also just starting the process of selling my in-laws house, as they've been gone for 4 years. We haven't even put it on the market yet, and 3 people have expressed interest in buying it. Once it sells, we're going to have a big addition put on our house. I can hardly wait! It should be an interesting project, as we are going to have a basement put under an existing one story structure, and if there's enough money left, we'll have the roof ripped off of the first story and a master bedroom built above it. I've been planning this for years, but we didn't do it sooner, because we didn't want to go into debt. Now that it looks like we'll be getting a little extra cash, my husband will finally have both a huge master bedroom and a play room for a pool table and the like. He really deserves it, because he works so hard at his job, and he is so helpful around the house. He does so many things that I should be doing as far as lifting and toting things and using steps, but he never complains.

    I shouldn't be complaining either, because we have it a lot better than most. We have a comfortable home, wonderful pets, good friends, and our kids are grown and out on their own. Now we have two litttle granddaughters that we spoil. Other than the crappy Ohio weather, we love where we live. Life is good.

  • flipper

    WHITMAN- I'm so sorry you are dealing with pain and numbness in your arm and hand. That's awful ! Sorry you don't have your mom to help you through this. I have always found music helps me through things too. Very therapeutic . It helps. Cats are fun pets to have, aren't they ? My wife and I have 3 cats. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I have lots of bills and customers not paying on time, but it will all work out. Lots to be thankful for. Hang in there friend ! Here's a flower for you !

    METAMORPHISIS- I'm glad things are working out for you my friend ! Hope Jacksonville suits you ! It's good to see things are working out worwise for you and good to hear you upbeat after what you went through ! I'm pulling for you guy ! I know you will do great ! You are sounding more happy and confident and that's a good thing ! Keep it up ! I'm doing great , thanks ! JUst tight on money right now !

    MRS. JONES- I'm sorry you are unable to find a job in fashion in Indy. Too bad you didn't live out here in California - could probably hook something up ! I too am frustrated with customers not paying me on time as well ! Pisses me off ! I hope you find something soon job wise sis ! Say Hi! to hubby for me ! Peace.

    BFD- Seems like you get caught in the middle like I do financially in my business ! People want me to pay - but I can't get some of my customers to pay on time ! Frustrating as hell ! I'll keep good thoughts for you in me - since I don't pray ! Your cat got a mourning dove ? Wow! Your cat's named Simon !? Now that's funny ! Glad you got your computer fixed! You are right my bro - " the sun will come out tomorrow " ! It's how I look at things each day as well ! Take care ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    PANDORA's Cat- So you are going through clients not paying you as well ? Sucks, doesn't it ? My wife and I are happy too, but I am shunned by some of my family, namely my daughters. Yes, it does hurt. But my son and I are very close - we we're the 2 guys in the Bigfoot expedition pictures ! Our dogs and cats are doing great as well - thanks for caring, Peace.

    SERENDIPITY- I hear ya sis ! The economy sucks and is scaring the hell out of everybody. I do hope you get a job that you really want ! Good luck to you ! It will pass. Hang in there.

    BEKSBKS- You have cramps ? A monthly thing, eh ? I fel for you. My wife does now too !

    MEGS- There are lots of us going through the same things right now, especially with the economy ! There is the bright side, I agree. We have a roof over our heads, pay the rent, eat, we are alive, and we have good friends ! Lots to be thankful for !

    JAMIE BOWERS- I'm sorry your husband has to work so hard ! And that you struggle with a disability. I hope you can remodel your house soon, but those grandchildren are you biggest gift to enjoy ! Take good care of them, give em' lots of love ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • only me
    only me

    Hi Mr Flipper

    I'm a little confused, my husband has been really nice to me ever since he got back from the DC He didn't even force our 13 yeal old daughter to go to the meetings with him this week

    I'm not complaining but usually there is a week or so of hell on earth after an assembly. It hasn't been this quiet in a long time. I guess I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Oh and this is supposed to be a secret but my other daughter and her lovely husband told me they are expecting a baby after trying for 2 years. I'm exstatic for them {and me!} They won't mind me telling you all here.

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