I ask my self the same question over and over again.....what I know for sure my life was based on a lie, created by some old fools and false prophets.
My existense was tied to a man made organization called the WT. My family, my relatives, my friends, they were all part of a play designed by a cult. After leaving WT (disfellowshiped for apostasy) all that I ever know collapsed. I spend 33 years of my life serving a cult made in US. I have sacrifice career,hobbies, talents in the altar of that cult. At the end I realize that I did not have any family, or friends. They were all fake
I do find the process of recovering and becoming again a normal person very hard. But I started to do things that I never did before,like attending to birthdays partys, wishing merry Christmas, Happy New Year, attending to a Church Ceremonies, praying to Jesus, I even start to have Holy Communion and asking from Jesus to come in my life and bring me peace of mind. I have no guilts, and I know I'm sinner that needs Jesus grace and forgiveness, and every time I ask Him to forgive me I know He does.
Like many of us in this forum, we feel the same... I do...but our life has just began. Now we have become alive and there is a hole new world to explore, and so much knowledge to get from this "wicked" world. You will realize after exiting WT that "its your life" and you are the one who are in control now. Now I have realize what Jesus meant the "truth shall set you free". We are free from fear, guilt, and all those cultic technics used by the WT. We have started to use our conscious and freedom of thought. And NO one will condemn me if I do not accept certain teachings, or if I believe that God did created this universe through an evolution process.
Welcome the real world, and in this forum through our personal expieriences we will help you if you ask it, to become again HUMAN