But that's just it, the org doesn't only control everything in her life but yours as well. I don't know about your house but in mine no R rated films allowed even when the kids are not around. I'm not talking soft porn here, for goodness sakes even Shawshank Redemption is R, Shindlers List, and so on. Even certain commercials has my jw thumbing for the remote! (maybe those are just days where he is feeling particulary pious, other days we catch him peeking around his newspaper to watch! heeheehe)
As for conversations with a jw mate, you learn after awhile that certain topics, jokes, relationship discussions are just off limits unless you are up for a 'jw discussion'. Pretty soon you realize that most the time your relationship is no more intimate with your spouse as their relationship is with the guy they work with or someone on the street because so many subjects are taboo. Not that they don't have their tender moments, they can, but there again it is all dependent upon them and their needs for the day. God forbid they stay home if there is something that really needs attending to with the home or relationship! Later, will be the response, 'when I get back from my meeting'. Who the hell wants to talk to someone right after a cult meeting? geesh. How much sense would that make when that is the problem? It is difficult to get them in a non jw moment due to seeing jw's every other day.
That damn pink elephant just follows you around everywhere you go and you learn how to pretend it's not there sometimes.
I'm glad your therapist is familiar with jw's that is half the battle, then you don't have to spend hours upon hours explaining it all. Best of luck.