How we Know that Evolution is a Fact

by JanH 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewperson

    Sunscape, I am not a "fundamentalist" but a person open to reasoning. You, not myself or Marvin, are flourishing the religious tag in this case as if to offer a wedge and split what has otherwise been a joyful discourse.

    Mox though was correct in saying Marvin and myself did do some anticipatory reasoning or a little wandering over onto tangential topics. There was no intention to divert from the enjoyment of the primary topic, but simply to present side discussion such as normally would follow in such a discussion.

    Again, congratulations to Jan for a very fine wine of a presentation. Looking forward to future servings of the mind from you Jan, Anewperson

    "In the renewal of the mind there is a rebirth of joy in knowledge of God and Christ such as leads to the goal of eternal life!"

  • Francois

    Someone above stated "I know evolution depends on the inanimate producing life." Au contraire. How come it's not possible that God created everything and evolution was his technique? I fail to see the impossibility of this position. Makes perfect sense to me. Philosophically unifying. Intellectually satisfying. The uncaused cause of philosophy and the God of spirit combined in the ultimate uniform field.

    And a passing word, too, on the creationist's favorite dodge, "evolution is only a theory, after all." Einstein's ideas are referred to as "theories" as well, however I notice that both the atomic and thermonuclear bombs work and there are pictures of the effects of gravitational lensing in Discovery all the time. I mean, how much proof do you need to get a firm grasp on the obvious?

    This is further proof that religion is an emotional phenomena, not intellectual.

    My two cents.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hi again, Seeker

    I appreciate your feedback.

    How we got from a pinhead-sized universe to now is very well known and explained.
    On this point I believe you are misinformed. Known laws of physics fail to explain the first few milliseconds of the "pen head’s" expansion, in fact known physical laws run contrary to this expansion, it should not have happened. This is why faith is required to believe it as scientists have suggested it. Again though, I am not a scientist. All I can go by is my reading of conclusions of recognized authorities on the subject, and that expressed in layman’s terms.

    However, my comment to you was based on your acceptance of a Creator, even though the origin of this Creator is just as unknown. So you do accept the unknown, although for that you take the proverbial leap of faith. I have no objection to that, and I respect faith.
    Because my beliefs are decided by what I know does not mean each is beyond question or correct. My beliefs in an intelligent creator are based on what I know, but my conclusions may yet prove wrong because facts have a funny habit of meaning one thing when we take them for something else at first. For example, it is a fact that people today have an inner need for purpose, practically everyone searches for it. This is what I call a spiritual need. The fact that so many humans (if not all) have this spiritual need can lead to several beliefs, and mine is among them. Existence of this spiritual need is one thing leading me to the conclusion of a purposeful creator because not only do we know that life can produce life, we also know that life can produce likes. And, it just so happens that belief in a purposeful creator makes things like eyesight a little easier to explain. So, in this case though my beliefs stem from a known (existence of spirituality in humans), I could be wrong, but I don’t think so, at least at this point. At this point in time, at the end of the day we know life produces life. We do not know that the inanimate produces life. For me this tips the scale in favor or creation.

    I will add here that scientist creating life in a lab experiment would probably not suffice to prove that the inanimate produces life, because the scientist would be alive and running the experiment. The inanimate producing life would have to be observed in a setting outside the reach of anything living for it to be proved. This is tough standard. But if it is true then it will one day be observed. If evolution is true, how could it be otherwise?

  • rem


    The inanimate producing life would have to be observed in a setting outside the reach of anything living for it to be proved. This is tough standard. But if it is true then it will one day be observed. If evolution is true, how could it be otherwise?
    I hate to keep laboring this point, but it is key to understanding the theory of Evolution.

    What you really meant to say (but you didn't know it) was:

    'If abiogenesis is true, how could it be otherwise?'

    Evolution does not talk about life from non-life. Now do you still have an issue with Evolution? I think you really have an issue with abiogenesis. Evolution is completely compatible with your theistic philosophy.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hello, Rem

    I do not dispute facts that evolutionists use, I only question some conclusions from those facts. My comments have addressed reason for belief in creation.

    It is true that evolution does not specifically address the first cause. More specifically evolution tries to explain what happened afterward. It tries to explain the mechanics of how things got they way they are. All this is well and good, and I have no complaint against this endeavor. But when people (call them evolutionist or whatever you want) attempt to ridicule other people’s faith in a creator is should be noted that the fact of life begetting life speaks in favor of a creator. Also noteworthy is the fact that suggestions of the initial moments of the "Big Bang" also requires faith, faith that physical laws will one day be discovered or understood so that they can be explained.

    When I said I know evolution depends on the inanimate producing life, I was not precise enough. I should have said I know that some evolutionists’ conclusions depend on the inanimate producing life.

    Greetings, Moxy

    It seems my comments about what Jan wrote are misunderstood. I applaud the facts he shared, the more the better. My comments addressed the inevitable (and seemingly perpetual) discussion of creator or not. But, specific to what Jan asserted, I did address one of his conclusions, the one about junk code and kinship meaning common ancestry by descent. Maybe I misread him, but I don’t think so. What he concludes as commonality by descent (chimp to human) could also be non-decent commonality by initial use of common building material.

  • sunscapes

    anewperson: I'm glad you're of the open-mind set! Don't take what I said as a personal attack, instead see into it what many organizations print anti-evolution or anti-creation articles on the basis of what I mentioned was an adversarial mentality instead of the healthy debate I see take place here.

    I apologize in advance if you took direct offense to what I said.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I'm not saying evolution does not occur.

    But reproduction how did that ever come about?
    Let's say some amino acids by random chance form some type of organized system that we could call Life.
    What would be the reason that it would develope the ability to replicate itself as an almost perfect copy by means of DNA.

    Evolution could well be the way God made all the life we see on earth today. I don't know for sure.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • JanH

    Thanks for many nice comments to my little article.


    When we discuss these issues, if we want to have a rational approach to understand reality, we have to start with the known facts and build theories that explain these facts.

    It is a fact that all species on a planet has a common origin, that is, all organisms have a common ancestor some time into the past.

    The genetic evidence do not, as you claim, lend itself to the conclusion that species were built separately from common building blocks. If that were the case, there is no reason that fossil evidence, reasoning based on similarities in phenotypes, etc, should point to the same conclusions as the genetic evidence. For example, through analyzing mitochondria (which is inherited through female ancestry only) it is possible to measure how far apart genetically two species are. Since mutations occur in a more or less uniform rate (in large timescales), it is possible, based on similarities and differences in mDNA sequences, to find out when two living species shared a common ancestor. If your "theory" was correct, there is no reason whatsoever to expect any correlation between mDNA dates and fossil dating. But there is an amazing correlation between the two. In some cases, it also corresponds with geological chronology; species separated when a continent was split in two and 'sailed' apart. A match here is another amazing confirmation of both dating techniques and the soundness of mDNA analyses.

    As I said, this is only a tiny part of the evidence for evolution. Special creation, the assertion that we do not share common ancestry with other species, is a totally discredited idea that cannot be defended in the face of evidence. If you are a xtian, you just have to deal with this, even if it is an inconvenient fact.

    Marvin, I don't know how you got from evolution to Big Bang cosmology, but it is disingenious to the extreme to assert that ignorance about the first milliseconds of our universe's history somehow means that scientists take the whole theoretical structure "on faith." Scientists accepts that the evidence overwhelmingly supports Big Bang cosmology, and ignorance about details do not change this evidence. There are surely blanks that need to be filled in, and blanks that will probably never be filled in, but we can still accept evidence for what we do know. Like many creationists, you confuse "what" and "how". We know pretty well what happened. If we don't know the "how" (or, even, the "why") that doesn't change anything.

    If you find a human body, it is a fact that a person has died, and is dead. It remains a fact even if you are never able to find out why or how he or she died.

    D w,

    But reproduction how did that ever come about?
    Let's say some amino acids by random chance form some type of organized system that we could call Life.
    What would be the reason that it would develope the ability to replicate itself as an almost perfect copy by means of DNA.
    Something that does not reproduce is not life. Of course nothing remotely as complex as the DNA originated by chance. What did originate by "chance" was some primitive form of replicator; that is a molecule that is able to use material from its environment to create copies of itself. Once a replicator exists, life has begun, and it can end anywhere.

    Naturally, the most primitive "organism" left little to help us know exactly what it looked like. DNA came much, much later. It has been argued that the amino acid form of life was a quite late stage in evolution, even though it is the only extant life form today. Perhaps the earliest replicators were crystaline structures.

    Some argued that unless we can create life in a laboratory, we have not "proven" that life originated naturalistically. In fact, even if we did create life in a lab, that would not at all confirm abiogenesis (we would at best demonstrate what could have happened). Those who require "lab proof" are confusing the general work in science -- to find general laws of nature -- with trying to pinpoint exact historical events.

    Historical events leave traces, and we have to make theories based on the clues we find. In the case of something happening 3 billion or so years ago, such clues are pretty non existant. That life did originate, is demonstrated by the fact that life exists today, and have for a long time. How it developed is much open to debate, and will probably never be fully resolved.

    Biology is probably the only science that is being chastised for not accepting supernatural 'explanations' for its findings. Otherwise, people understand the perfectly reasonable naturalistic assumptions underlying all of science.

    People do accept that when electricity is pretty well explained, that does away with the idea that lightning is the result of the anger of the gods. If we had people today who believed in Zevs instead of a slightly modified Yahweh, I suspect it would be otherwise. Be that as it may, I fear many will try to find tiny holes in the knowledge of naturalistic science where they can push their god, which is getting tinier and tinier every year.

    So, yes, atheism/agnosticism/non-theism is a philosophical position not a scientific one. One can perfectly well believe in God and evolution (most christians are, after all, evolutionists). It gets very problematic if you want to argue that God 'directed' evolution, since that would conflict with natural selection, which is a very well-established theory indeed. Ardent theists who are opposed to evolution is so for a good reason, obviously, since god is left with very little to do. But honesty demands that we start with facts (of which evolution is one!) and go from there. If you are still able to support theism, as some are, that is all good and well for you. However, it is certainly true that while evolution do not necessarily lead to atheism, it certainly makes any Deity whose main function is to be a Creator a rather obscure being indeed.

    Re. references: All my books are still in boxes; I only have my online material available here now.

    You can find information about throwbacks (e.g. birds with teeth) here: Robert T. Bakker: The Dinosaur Heresies, pp. 314-316, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1986.

    A general overview of genetic evidence for evolution (with references) can be found in this article on the Talk Origins site: I recommend looking at a number of other TO articles on this subject, saying much more than I have done above, and probably with more references than you can read in a lifetime. The archive there is easy to search and browse.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • mommy

    Thanks Jan
    That was a very informative, and easy to read article. As I mentioned before, with your help I was able to convince my active Jw mom that evolution is indeed a fact. Most people who cling to the need of a belief in god will turn away and not even examine the evidence of evolution.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • perfectpie

    High Jan,

    Howz it going.

    I disagree with your presentation.

    The fact that Souls on the Earth share DNA stuff has nothing to do with evolution.

    The creator simply shared the same stuff when he seperatly created all things.

    Most Picasso paintings share the same stuff, similar features etc.
    Most Monet paintings share the same stuff, themes, colors, etc.
    But yet each painting is created seperatly at different times by the creator, the painter.

    So it is with God.

    The problem with your arguement and many I have heard in my life similar to that, is rather than proving a point your really only making a point. Your also trying to prove your point by making good points in themselves yet they have no real connection with the subject matter. This is done with the teaching of the year 1914 being the beg. of Christ invisible rule. They make all these correct and true points even using correct math, yet they all have nothing to do with the beg. of christ rule in heaven etc.

    Adios Kid Rock

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