JanH; nice one mate, and one other thing; as an English person living and working in a country (The Netherlands) where most people speak English to fairly decent level (in addition to Dutch, German, and quite often French too... the Dutch are sickenly multi-lingual as a whole), I have to say your English is brilliant. I only say this as I noticed a small error (that could easily be a typo and is made by many native English speakers anyway), when you used 'to' for 'too', and suddenly realised you rarely make any mistakes. Full credit man... I am starting to learn Dutch, and know how much hard work is involved to even get started (not having a 'gift of tounges LOL!).
Well, most points made in rebutal of Jan's original post have already been addressed, but here's my Euro's worth;
I see a consistant trait in people who argue against evolution. I specifically mean evolution, not the origin of life or the origin of the Universe which are seperate things entirely. For example;
How so? Well, one can argue that when birds came into existence the so-called junk bits of genes for teeth were already pre-programmed into their genes. Why? Possibly so that if necessary birds could later on develop teeth, though such rarely ever is seen.
This is part of a typical reaction by theists, which involves the application of force to fit a square peg into a round hole. A scientific fact is countered with an unscientific rejoinder. In the above anewperson is essentially saying 'You can't say that junk DNA proves things evolved, god may have put it there so that things could evolve'.
This above example also features another trait, what I call 'single stepping'. A good chess player 'looks' many moves ahead. A bad one will only look a few, or even one. So it is with logic, for example;
perfect pie;
The fact that Souls on the Earth share DNA stuff has nothing to do with evolution. The creator simply shared the same stuff when he seperatly created all things.
The poster then goes on to use painting as a comparison. Yet junk DNA doesn't really fit the comparisons used. If you are talking about "themes, colors, etc.", you are talking about parrallel evolution
(themes) and amino acids (colours), not having one painting overpainted by another, which is what junk DNA is most similar to. The poster takes a single step of logic, and stops, not looking at the steps from that point, which are "Why would god give an organism DNA that is identical to other organisms but NOT USED". Failure to address this is the good old square peg round hole thing... trying desperatly to fit god into the Universe, even if you have to use brute force to do so.
Another (particulary annoying) trait is ignoring points, or trying to pretend a point is answered when it is not, or changing points. Martin Skimmer does this when he answers the question of 'if something can't come from nothing, where did god come from' question with a switch and bait waffle about mirrors, and old Greek logical gambits, which DO NOT answer the question.
Often, little asides give away the initiating mindset of the poster; "The fact that Souls on the Earth... " (perfect pie) is a typical example. As is;
But to many of us, Jan, it is a moot point as to which view is right insofar as to whether or not "a source for all existence exists," i.e. God. If God created directly or if God created indirectly (by evolution), regardless, God (source of existence) still exists.
The poster in the above seems to be saying 'Whether evolution or creation is correct is a moot point, as if god created us he obviously still exists'.
And, again, anewperson;
To believers to deny that God exists would be to deny that existence exists, which is clearly illogical.
Which (sorry) is just silly, as a believer who denies God exists is an unbeliever, and that process occured to many on this board without us denying existence.
Obviously, we all have an initiating mindset, but one that so comprehensively shows that a person has already resolved their belief structure and is simply trying to deflect anything that contradicts this, rather than comparing and contrasting presented evidence with internal beliefs and adjusting as required, is seen in anti-evoltuionists more often than in evolutionists.
All this is not due to lack of intelligence on the part of the persons displaying such behaviour. It's got nothing to do with their worth as a person either.
I suppose the reason many anti-evolutionists get upset when people say they are wrong is that they are typically theists, and many theists believe if you are wrong you are bad, so being told they are wrong feels to them like they are being told they are bad, when it actaully has nothing to do with that. Also, giving up a belief in god, and thus (probably) an afterlife is a very traumatic thing, and accepting we evolved is one of the defensive walls that guard the belief in god (although belief in god and in evolution are not neccesarily exclusive, let's be honest and accept that's what often happens, at least as regards many traditional concepts of god). But that's an aside really, as I want to limit this post to evolution rather than theism
Sometimes, to be fair, one feels that persons attacking evolution do so from the same level I would discuss baseball's 'worth' as a sport - I know a few things about it, but come from a country where it's not even a minority sport. I could not appreciate a conversation with an avid fan fully, as I don't know the wealth of detail or the nuances that a fan would know. The fact I didn't know about baseball doesn't make me dumb or less of a person, it just means I would need to learn more to fully benefit from a in-depth conversation. Thus it is at times with anti-evolutionists.
It often seems that the counter arguements to evolution are lifted wholesale from apologistic material, whose whole purpose is to argue for god, often a very specific conceptualisation of a creator god as found in the Bible. This material can often be replete with the same faults found in many counter-evolutionary arguements; contrary initiating mindset, square-pegism, single-stepping, and a lack of in-depth scientific knowledge.
Yes, evolutionists lift their arguements from 'evolutionist' material. but the purpose of that material is not to disprove the existence of god. Evolution has got nothing to do with arguing about whether there is a god or not. It CAN be used that way, but that's not what it's for; it's for establishing a scientific understanding of the development of life. As such it is less prone to such faults as deliniated above for anti-evolutionary arguement.
As regards the actual debate, D wiltshire questioned how reproduction came about. Jan answered this well. I can give a specific example of a 'primative' form of 'life' where 'life' is a self-replicating bio-chemical entity. Look into Mad Cow Disease or BSE (B.ovine S.pongiform E.ncapalathy (Sp?)), or it's human analogue, new varient CJD (C.ruitfelds-J.acobs D.isease (Sp?)). It is spread by Prions, which are simple proteins that can 'duplicate' themselves. There are other examples, but none I have at my mental fingertips. I would suggest anyone curious as to the origin of reproduction start there in their exploration of a large and interesting topic.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...