perfectpie: file my name under 'self-depreciating humour' instead of 'cool', as it's closer to the truth. I'm Gyles anyway, it's in my profile.
As for 'definative', and 'evolution', is that a trap? LOL!!
Evolution is a developing theory. No evolutionist would claim otherwise, or rather, should claim otherwise.
In about 2,000 years I expect it to be not quite definative, but as close as not being there THEN allows. The fact the theory of god is not definative after way more than 2,000 years is one of the main reasons why I don't believe in god! As I stated in this, or another thread, I could quite happily believe in god if there were the evidence.
But there is more evidence of evolution!
Have you ever looked into evolutionary algorithms?
An evoltuionary algorithm is used when the answer is known, but how to find the answer is not. To find how to get an answer in a similar set of circumstances, a whole bunch of algorithms are used.
Those most closly matching the known answer are kept, modified slightly so there are again a whole bunch of them, and the process is run again.
Each time, you get closer to the answer, discard the worst results, modify the algorithms that prodiced the best results (one could say 'breed'), and run it again.
Eventually you get the answer.
In any 'niche' in an ecosystem, there is an 'answer'. Survival of the fittest discards those far away from the answer, and breeding allows variation of those closer to the answer so that the next generation will be closer still. It's dazzling.
Oh, fossils... ever think how many animals get fossilised today? Not many. Most get eaten, decayed, consumed. Fossilisation is a very rare process. It's actually quite surprising the fossil record is so good!
I make no claim to a perfect theory, just that it's a better theory than creation especially given the lack of evidence for god in other areas.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...