Just had a WONDERFUL experience!

by marmot 60 Replies latest members private

  • marmot

    And a total random coincidence at that!

    Since my successful fade I've been (up until now) unsuccessfully looking for a girlfriend. After my own local social resources dried up I decided to lay out some cash and join an online dating site (I won't name it, but it rhymes with e-shmarmoney).

    Big waste of cash - or so I thought. After dozens of dead ends, rejections, weirdos and fruitless first dates I connected with a lovely woman and we've been seeing each other regularly and talking a lot on the phone. Problem is, I've got 26 years of 'dub emotional retardation ingrained in my system and I don't know how to take things to the next level beyond pleasant dinner dates and conversation. Heck, I'm even nervous about holding hands. She could sense this and sent me an e-mail yesterday asking me where I wanted this all to go. I can only imagine how upsetting and frustrating it would be in her shoes at this time. We ended up talking on the phone and we tried to open up and get rid of whatever impasses there seemed to be. We talked about different things and then she asked me "Tell me something that I don't know about you."

    I thought about it for a second and then ventured "Well, I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness so I spent my childhood knocking on doors and offering magazines on Saturday mornings." I said his with the full expectation of an awkward silence followed by equally awkward stammering but to my utter shock she answered "Oh yeah, I've been there and done that."

    Hello what?!

    Turns out that she and her sister both studied, got baptized and eventually faded and she's currently incognito on the elders' radar. Her parents never got involved so she never had any problems with her immediate family.

    All told, we talked for over an hour and a half and I can't wait to see her again.

  • snowbird

    I'm happy for you.

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


  • TinyDancer124

    Wow, that's fantastic. Whenever I vent to my boyfriend about JW stuff (hard to get away from it since half my family is still living the lie), he just looks at me like a deer in the headlights, haha. I tried the site that rhymes with e-shmarmoney a few years ago. Hopefully you have better luck!

  • KW13

    thats brilliant matey, i wish you both the very best with that - you've both got some valuable experience and knowledge which you can bring in to the relationship and your both safe from being converted by in-laws if you get married!!!!!!!!!!

  • changeling

    Wow! Is that the best possible scenatio, or what!

    I'm leaping for joy for you, darlin!

    changeling :)

  • megs

    I love it!!! That made me smile I hope it goes well for you both!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I was reading your thread and was going to respond about putting things on the table. But You already have.

    I suppose if both of u are in the same place regarding that religion, then both of u are way past the curve.

    About taking things further you will know when it's time.

  • Gopher

    Amazing. Simply amazing. You're both lucky to have found each other, and you have the potential to do very well together. Just be yourself.

  • Hortensia

    I did a little mental happy dance for you. that is so nice!!!

  • JK666


    I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! This could be a keeper!


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