Just had a WONDERFUL experience!

by marmot 60 Replies latest members private

  • toreador

    That is friggin awesome!!! Good for you! I hope it works out. It always helps to have something big in common.


  • kwintestal

    Hey, that's a pretty cool coincedence! At least she'll be in a position to understand where you're comming from emotionally, and may be a little more patient with any need you have to take it slower then others may want to. Good luck!


  • jakmarx

    Wow thats amazing!

  • penny2

    That's wonderful! Good luck, marmot!!

  • TweetieBird

    Congrats...my husband and I had dinner with a man last night that met his current wife on same website. He's very happily married to her now for several years.

  • marmot

    So I had a couple "firsts" last night. I held hands with a girl for the first time, and I also had my first kiss. Hopefullly more firsts to follow in the future ;)

  • Robdar

    Holy Cow! That's incredible. Wishing you all the best.....


  • moshe

    This is great? Not in my mind, if you are looking for a wife and family. JW in-laws to give you the cold shoulder and interfere with your children later. No holiday dinners with family, no happy birthday phone call, etc I am hoping my son gets tired of the cold shoulder from his live-in girlfriends JW family. Yes, he feels comfortable with her because of similar backgrounds, but I don't think it is best for him.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It


    I've got syphilitic hetro friends in every part of town
    I don't hate them but I know them I don't want them hanging around
    I won't roll my bones for every little girl who gets on down
    I got space and space got me I should be selling it by the pound
    Ever since I heard the voice
    I thought I had no choice
    but then I kissed her
    I don't mind if I get broken I don't mind if I get fixed
    I don't mind if I'm not spoken I don't mind if I get kicks
    If I wake up dead I'll wake up just like any other day
    And the photographs of god I bought have almost faded away
    Everything just passes by
    I thought it always would
    but then I kissed her

    <<------------------- Like Jesus & Mary Chain a lot.

    Saw one of thier old videos on VH1 Classic last week or so. Something inside me then died.

  • marmot

    Moshe, re-read my original post. Only she and her sister got involved in the religion, and they've both walked away since then. Her family was never interested to begin with.

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