I read recently in a watchtower study that women are being encouraged by "the world" to educate themselves further and get good jobs. The watchtower mentioned how this is a bad way of thinking and it gets in the way of field service, marriage, raising children. I mean, it was aimed specifically at women. I was like, get the eff outta here. I am not raising my daughter to believe that women have a certain place. No way. I don't believe the only thing that women are good for is pioneering, wiving and mothering. And that getting an education and decent career gets in the way of your husband's headship. *shiver* just typing headship gives me the willies.
But this is all part of the way I grew up. Watching my mom, a flipping smart woman, give away all her power to a religion that never seemed to cover it's own holes and she as smart as she is, just never saw it. It never made any sense to me. Maybe she did see it and ignored it for fear of her mortal soul.
Who knows? I was not blessed with the gene of blissful ignorance. I can't ignore the holes. I also can't ignore the fact that the organization is molding young women to believe that field service and marriage are their only options in order to gain blessings from God.