I've been studying JW for 6 months. Please help..

by fb130 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • gloobster

    Listen to the people on this forum. These are sincere and honest replies. Although we don't know you, there is genuine concern for your future here, something you won't find with Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Also, read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. He is an ex-member of the governing body of JW's. I'm reading it now, and it is really opening my eyes. Everyone here that's read it will tell you this.

  • TweetieBird
    The WTS still associates with the UN through offshoot programs ..(as recently as June 08) and had no problem participating in the UN Birthday back in 2005 I think.....the WTS is also still affiliated with the para military organization known as the OSCE....which under it's previous name was spoken against......

    Where can I find proof of this? I would like to print it out and show to a family member.


  • Robert7

    Here are a few great questions to ask your study conductor:

    1) Name 3 things you dislike about the organization, or being a JW. (If anyone says there are none, they are covering something up)

    2) Have you ever had a discussion with any former members as to why they left? How do you (the student) have access to former members? You should ask to speak to some former members to understand their perspective of the organization.

    These are appropriate before joining ANY organization, even obviously a job. It's good to ask about any negative things, and also very good to speak to former employees for a view into the organization. I've done this before while interviewing at a company. There is also nothing 'bad' abuot asking these, and you -absolutely should- get reasonable responses.

    Don't accept a fluff answer, and don't allow the conductor to just blow them off. If he/she refuses to answer these, then this is a red flag. What are they hiding? No organization is perfect, and it is your right to know the reality of it all before you join.

  • burningbridges

    No matter what you do, please please never lose site of this website. Anyone you tell that you look at this site will scream APOSTATE!!! And freak out to you that we are all a bunch of angry, devilish people trying to lead you astray, the fact of the matter is, the sad truth is we were all EXACTLY where you are and where they are before, only we did the ONE thing that the organization forbid, we looked at things thay forbid us to look at.. and it made a huge difference becasue they were covering up MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF INFORMATION.They dont want you to look at anything out side of the "truth" because it can't hold up. THe BIBLE stresses to compare, to search, to investigate, yet the watchotwer forbids it, HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?

    Romans 12:2: And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making YOUR mind over, that YOU may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    Dictionary definition of PROVE:

    to a subject to a test, experiment, comparison , analysis, or the like, to determine quality, amount, acceptability, characteristics, etc.: to prove ore.

    Acts 17:11- ...carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. Dictionary definition of examine:

    1.to inspect or scrutinize carefully
    3.to inquire into or investigate
    4.to test the knowledge, reactions, or qualifications of (a pupil, candidate, etc.), as by questions or assigning tasks.

    Proverbs 14:15 15 Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. Dictionary def. of "consider"

    1.to think carefully about, esp. in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on:
    8. to view attentively; scrutinize.


  • burningbridges


    this is a very good site, please take the time to look at it, i beg you, learn from our mistakes, save yourself now....

  • burningbridges



  • jgnat

    Welcome, fb130. I am guessing that you have enjoyed developing your spiritual side in the short time you have spent with the Witnesses. Before you make a commitment, might I suggest you take a broader approach to your education? Check out the other side of the fence, so to speak?

    I'm personally fond of the courses offered by the www.alpha.org . Many different denominations run the courses. There are videos, open discussion time, and no judgement. You can very likely find their banner on a church near you.

  • burningbridges

    ok, simple anology to ask "did christ die on a cross or stake?" look in the witness bible.... Look up John 11:25:

    25 Consequently the other disciples would say to him: "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them: "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, I will certainly not believe."

    Now put your hands over your head like your dying on a stake... How many nails would you need? If The Lord had his hands spread wide, he would need multiple nails and thus would need the plural form of the word nails. Our God is not dumb so as to inspire John (who knew every detail of his death) to improperly document such facts.

    IN addition to this, the sign "king of the Jews:" was stated to be "above his head" not "above his hands" use this info in addtion to the link I provided you earlier and you can see that the witnesses clearly turn a blind eye to obvious evidence.

    What's the big deal you may say? Well they make it a big deal don't they? So we must bicker mindless facts....

    pm if youd llike to talk. I have lots in common with you

  • LovesDubs

    I dont know about the rest of you guys in here...but when someone tells me they are studying with the JWs I PANIC!!! It's like seeing a child on the edge of a cliff. They dont KNOW that they are in imminent danger. You dont want to run towards them because you are afraid they will move and fall...so we all are sooooo careful about what we say in case we chase the new study INTO the maw of the Watchtower Society instead of saving them FROM it.

    You, our new friend, have the best resources available to you to find out the TRUTH about what the JWs call "The Truth" and you should without hesitation, take advantage of it. If indeed the JWs have the truth, there isnt ONE THING we or anybody else could say which would prove them wrong. Wouldnt you agree that that makes sense? The JWs want you to go investigate OTHER religions but as soon as you turn that microscope on THEM they begin to scream APOSTATE and JUDAS and BAD ASSOCIATION at you to divert you away from what you are hearing and seeing. WE ALL DID THIS as JWs and so we know of what we speak. If you look inside the Reasoning From the Scriptures book there is a whole section on Overcoming Objections....the purpose is to teach you how to sell sell sell this religion no matter what gets thrown up at you from objectors.

    They scream that other religions spew propaganda...they are the BIGGEST proponent and distribution of self aggrandizing propaganda on the planet. They scream that other religions support and hide pedophilia when they THEMSELVES cover, hide and do not report the pedophilia in their own organization. AND they dont tell anyone in the congregations there ARE pedophiles amongst them! The pedophiles are allowed to stay there, be around children and go door to door.

    They never have said ONE GOOD THING about any other religion on the planet ever. Not in their talks, not in their literature, not at the doors, not once not ever.

    They believe they are the ONLY Christians on the planet. They even said those Christians who were mauled to death by lions, were not really Christians because "there is no proof they were ever baptized"

    They believe that their organization is the mediator between you and God..Christ is NOT your mediator...THEY are.

    They believe the entire book of Revelation was written for and about ...them and that ALL prophecies therein pertain to them and them alone.

    They believe they have Gods ear to their prayers and NO ONE ELSE'S ARE HEARD. They believe they and they alone will survive Armageddon.

    They believe that everyone who isnt a baptized JW in good standing is under Satan. Period. No grey area. That includes you even if you ARE studying.

    They believe that it is alright to lie to anyone "not deserving of the truth" and that includes judges, juries, police, and anyone not a JW.

    They believe that education past high school is evil.

    They believe that they are Gods Mouthpiece on earth and that to question ANYTHING in their teachings and literature is to question God Himself and if you do...you are labeled apostate and your questions and concerns will NOT be answered and you will be before a Judicial Committee before your next breath.

    They believe that ALL holidays, birthdays, including Christmas...are pagan, and satanic.

    Any children you have will be expected to sit through 5 hours a week of intensive adult talks and training towards converting them too, including teaching them to begin plying the wares of the Watchtower Society and become recruiters themselves. No Sunday school, no toys, no books, no talking, no moving around or they will be dragged out of the hall.

    Once you are baptized and that means taking a PUBLIC VOW and allegiance to the Watchtower Society, they own you. And you will then be required to be at all meetings. Required to preach door to door. And required to report in writing how many hours you spend doing so or there will be sanctions.

    Anything they say is "voluntary" is not. Anything they say "is a conscience matter" is not. Anything they say "a true Christian" would do is them saying to you that you damn well better do it or you will be punished for it.

    ...so...is this the service to God and the show of your love of the Christ that you were looking for in your life? Nothing could be further from "the truth"



  • digderidoo

    Hi fb130, welcome to the board.

    If you were to ask an average JW about the UN connection, chances are they would know little if anything about it. Many would turn around and say it's all lies.

    Below i have put a link directing you to the UN website with a pdf of a letter they have put up regarding the issue.


    Stick around and you'll find you'll learn alot more about the Watchtower society.


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