Is there a Christian message without the element of fear/perceived threat?

by nvrgnbk 133 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    The relatinship humans have with a supposed creator is unilateral and imposed upon them w/o their consent. They are born on this planet w/o asking to be and then their creator/god expects them to worship him and abide by his rules or else. Not a fair deal. Which is one reason why I do not believe in god and even if he exists do not consider him worthy of worship

    I did not ask my child's consent to be born. That makes my relationship with him unilateral. Not a fair deal. Does this mean he should not listen to my guidance or treat me with respect and honor? Does this mean I should not discipline him when he refuses?


  • caliber
    The relatinship humans have with a supposed creator is unilateral and imposed upon them w/o their consent. They are born on this planet w/o asking to be and then their creator/god expects them to worship him and abide by his rules or else

    I was not asked to be born into this world but I was parents loved and fed me showed me what love is ! I dearly

    in return love them ! Should they have expected anything different from me ?


    edited to add I did not see Burns response till after I entered mine ! honest to God !

    Great minds think alike but fools seldom differ !

  • heathen

    nvrgnbk-- The way I see it, consciousness ends at death , the only soul that survives as a spirit are of the 144k remnant that goes to heaven , the souls of evil doers are not sent to a firey underworld such as the dantes inferno belief . They are symbolically destroyed in the lake of fire where there is no resurrection .IMO

  • changeling

    Giving parents love and respect is not worship. Anyone who asks for, let alone, insists on being worshipped, or else, is a megalomaniac. To create creatures just so they can worship you is ridiculous. So, either God is a ridiculous megalomanic or he does not exist at all.

    changeling :)

  • BurnTheShips
    Giving parents love and respect is not worship. Anyone who asks for, let alone, insists on being worshipped, or else, is a megalomaniac. To create creatues just so they can worship you is ridiculous. So, either God is a riduiculous megalomanic or he does not exist at all.

    False dilemma. False either/or. Other possibilities exist.


  • changeling

    You can not condemn someone to death for something they did not sign up to do and call yourself reasonable, let alone loving.

    changeling :)

  • changeling
    Other possibilities exist.

    Name them.

  • heathen

    I don't see how you can call God a megolomanic since the word means delusional wealth, power and omnipotence . Now if you created everything then I imagine he is wealthy and a omnipotent there's no delusional belief there. I think the word applies to people like GW bush who believes God wants him to be president and such.

  • BurnTheShips
    You can not condemn someone to death for something they did not sign up to do and call yourself reasonable, let alone loving.

    Death is what happens if God does nothing. On the one hand, you are angry because you were caused to exist without consent, and on the other, you are angry because you will cease to exist at some future point in time! Which is it you want?

    I put some rules at home for my toddler to follow. He throws tantrums, throws his toys, and lately likes to hit his father. He is too small to understand why he can't do something or touch something else. You sound right about toddler level.


  • changeling

    To demand worship under penalty of death from "puny lumps of clay", is delusional, IMO.

    Add to that that it can't be just any worship. No, only the hard to find, tough road to hoe kind will do. If you are a good person and worship the "wrong way" you're toast. If you are a good person who happens to be born in into a culture the does not know the "right way", you're toast. If your are good person but refuse to worship. you're toast.

    changeling :)

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