007, give us an update, how are you doing? Thinking of you today....
My Marriage just ended I feel so sick and stressed please help me. Serious.
by Witness 007 61 Replies latest jw experiences
007, Sorry to hear what you're going through. On behalf of your wife, I know that severe back pain can make people act like a wild animal. I've been through it. But, my back pain has never made me tell my wife I want a divorce ASAP. When people start spouting stuff like that to their spouse, the trust is over. And, for me, if the trust is over, the marriage is over. Maybe it's best to move on. I know it sucks and it feels like you've been hit by a truck, but things will get better and you'll probably be better off for it.
(007) so sorry you are going through this. I'm thinking of you.
So sorry to hear this is happening to you, 007. My divorce is at court today. I don't have to go since he is the one that filed. It is so over when one person says it is. That is my thought on it, but if you talk to her and can get her to go to couple's therapy I would say try it. If there is no going back, you have to work through it. It is not an easy thing to deal with since you are a guy and can't cry as easy as we ladies, but have a go of it. Get it out. If you can go to therapy yourself (most guys say this is for women) it really helps. Even if you just go a few times get some ideas of working out the pain. Keep us updated. We are all here for you.
I know that severe back pain can make people act like a wild animal.
Dork - I know that - experienced a severe pinched nerve in my back and I couldn't walk, sit, lie, sleep properly. I was on heavy "drugs" & pain killers - it didn't make me lash out that severely though.
Again Witness - my heart bleeds for you! I'll definately send out some positive thoughts for you.
uummmm 007 .... are you ok?
I am going to keep this thread bumped up to active because I think it's pretty serious, and I'm sure everyone here is thinking of you.
Keep us posted. xx
Witness 007
thanks guys had a cry with my wife sorted out some belongings starting to deal with it today.....I know I dont want to be with her anymore since we are so wrong for each other {totally different personalities we only had the truth in common} yet I love her too, we are living together in seperate parts of the house till we sort out some things. Thanks, just feeling drained today
I can tell you for a certainty that you will live. This too really shall pass. I promise. It takes six months of gradual steps, but you will feel much stronger by then. Been through divorces and Andy's breakdown and accident and worked my way through them. You'll land on your feet.
The amount of pain you feel is very indicative of how much you love your wife. Very profound.
Tool Man
I gues I should tell my own story sometimes, but I do understand you. We also left about a year ago and I think the feeling of freedom you get when you start looking at the society from the outside, well its hard to find balance for one thing. So you run like a headless chicken hoping to catch up what you lost. I don't know my own marrieage is not brilliant at the moment so I better don't throw any advices.
Thanks for the update x x