OMG I think my is ending too, I love her so much, how can she throw away all the good things? Since we stopped attending meetings she became angrier with me for simple things, or would just give me silence treatment lasting for couple days at a time. Really makes me wish we are still going to meetings just to be together. I don't know how to break it to kids but she is leaving.
My Marriage just ended I feel so sick and stressed please help me. Serious.
by Witness 007 61 Replies latest jw experiences
Calico Ethel
My thought is that if you know it's not working out, which is what you said, then you shouldn't want to stay in the marriage. And it sounds like she's unwilling to get councelling, so there's no point in talking about what is wrong with marriage, and so you just focus on it ending so you can move on. I know it may sound harsh, but after seeing what it did to me staying in an unloving marriage for 9 years is that I was SO much better off for it ending. I'm such a different person now...In a good way!
So take the advice of those that have said to get it over with and move on. I know you are upset by it, but you need to deal with it because it doesn't sound like there is any chance for her wanting to stay, and even if she did, you don't want to go through more crap longer do you?
It took me forever to figure out that I didn't want to put up with all the stuff my ex put me through, and then he gave finally gave me the reason to end it, so I did. And I feel relieved that I ended it and said no to him hurting me anymore.
Besides, you might want to be with someone else in the future, and you may find someone that is better for you.
I found someone who treats me just like I should be treated, like I matter, like I'm important to him, and I feel very priveledged that I have been given that chance to find true love, because what I had before wasn't love at all!
I felt at first that it would be difficult, but I got through it and the day of the divorce was one of the best days of my life. The next day I woke up and felt completely new and I like me a lot more now.
Lots of luck to you.