I first posted cuz I'm the kind who can't keep her hand down when a question is asked. :) I have too much to say.
But I'm still wary of the "introduction, here's my story" part, which it is SUCH a relief that most of you understand that without me having to explain it! Other boards/friends would be like, "why? What do you have to hide from? Aren't you an adult?" But of course, when you have family still in, and you've faded rather than jumped out, you still have to practice the whole spin control thing.
What has simply amazed me and taken my breath away, is that for so many years I had all these thoughts swimming around in my head about just exactly "why" I wasn't comfortable believing anymore. And then when I dropped in here, rather than being a whole bunch of "complainers" who are spewing "lies and half-truths" (what's a half-truth, anyway? It's either a lie or it's not.) you're all mostly (well yeah, complaining) but about EXACTLY the same things I had spinning around in my head!
It's not like anyone here has put anything new into my head. It's all there already, and I'm a highly rational, logical, intelligent human being. I normally see through crap in the secular world. I don't fall for "lies and half-truths" anywhere else in my life. I haven't fallen for any spammers, or gotten involved in any shady business deals for not reading the fine print, or had my life screwed up due to my own stupidity. Yet I'm sure if my mom ever got wind of me being here, she would INSTANTLY peg this board as the "cause of it all." It couldn't possibly be a rational, logical decision based on the realization that I needed to abandon a sinking ship.
Seriously, I have a finely-tuned sense of trends ... I am constantly "inventing" things right before someone actually invents them, I seem to be on the cutting edge of style, technology, and even financial trends before others, with not too much effort. And a bunch of years ago, I started feeling the "trend" in my gut that the WT organization is sagging, headed in the wrong direction, and was simply becoming WRONG.
And after I left, gosh was I ever right!
Yet I don't feel it's mine to tell anyone else what to do. Everyone must come to it by themselves. I wish my family could be reunited again, have a family reunion where it's not "us against them", and even if my parents don't agree with my decision, recognize that it is my RIGHT to make it!
See, I can't shut up. :)
What Draws Out The Lurker/Newbies
by Not Feeling It 31 Replies latest jw friends
No lurking for me like some of the others, I was ready to find some people that understand where I am coming from. I have made some great friends since I left about 4 years ago, but still feel a void since the "friends" I had all my life have disappeared. I don't want to bash the witnesses at all and so far since I have been on this site, I don't really see bashing, just facts.
I don't want to bash the witnesses at all and so far since I have been on this site, I don't really see bashing, just facts.
Oh, some serious bashing does go on. The facts don't always add up to facts. Be careful what you read, my friend.
I never was a lurker. I joined this forum over a year ago because of the Freeminds Website. I left it shortly thereafter because I didn't care for all of the bashing that was going on. I recently signed back up under a different user name for reasons unknown to me. Maybe I had some bashing of my own to do.
I was raised a Witness. Some people here don't know what they're talking about. Watch out for them. Half of the time I don't either, so watch out for me to.:-)
Not Feeling It
the sexy photos of our hot female forum members!!!
Wow, Those are some hot ones. Especially the third one down. Perhaps you should confess to the dear father. I'll bet the soul patch tickles.
I always promise them Gum!..Gum works every time!..............
I had to go back to my first post in 2002 to see what "drawed me out" I was miffed that the local congregation was trying their damnest to ignore me.....I should have left things well enough alone....
I have then returned to lurking for almost 2 years until this last spring. I was busy and forgot that I was ever was a witness....go figure, forgot!!
I can look back now and not be so angry at the wasted life energy that was taken from me by the WT.
I feel for some that post here as they struggle to wiggle loose from the bonds of the WT. So I came back and mostly post on issues that I feel I might bring them some comfort in some small way.
I was googling for some information on JW's, because of really strange feelings that surfaced after my mother's funeral, when I found this site. I signed up because I couldn't read the posts without signing up. Then, I was like holy sh*t!!! These are some crazy fools! In a good way.
And I posted immediately!
You're gonna be just fine here.
I just find all the posts interesting I suppose....
Those little reasons that justify my choice. It helps when you're surrounded by it 24/7 . BTW, I'm NOT wrong :P . Being JW is no fun! -
Not Feeling It
I feel like I should pull a Mr Flipper routine and personally respond to everyone who wrote. But there is only one Flip and I'm loathe to step on his schtick.
Anyway, there have been quite a few newbies here lately. I know a few folks in recent months who just faded away. My one friend told me that he did so after researching WTS history online. For some reason he didn't just trust the Proclaimers book... I guess what I'm trying to get at is that for everyone of us who made a path here, there are statistically as many who left without a peep.
If you are a lurker, don't feel so bad about posting. Reading here DEFINITELY helps. Putting your thoughts in writing can lead to catharsis. Not to mention that seeing real, sincere, expressions (or even the sarcastic ones that occasionally pepper these posts) help others to realize they are not alone and certainly not insane -- well, some of you are insane or are at least on the street corner. As our former religion fondly cliches: "Iron sharpens iron".
-- Not Sharpening It