My oldest daughter (who is currently up in CT) just called to tell me my stepmother (wicked witch of the west) was in an accident yesterday evening. She was riding a moped and crashed it into a parked car (don't ask me what an overweight 53 year old woman with bad knees is doing on a MOPED but whatever...supposed to save on the cost of gas or something). ANYWAY...she shattered her right leg and wrist in the accident (her GOOD walking side) and apparently will never be the same. I anticipate she will be unable to walk without major assistance (she had a hard time walking before the accident), especially if she doesn't drop some of her weight.
This woman has been completely evil to me for most of my life...BUT she did some good things too. She avoids talking to me (lets my Dad or daughter call me back when I call, instead) and now my daughter is telling me she's going to give me her phone number when they get her settled in at another hospital (the one she's in now doesn't have the specialists needed for her kind of injury). Do I call? Do I send flowers and a get-well card? Do I go broke and travel up there to see her? Just because she's treated me like crap doesn't mean I want to reciprocate..."kill them with kindness" has always been my motto.