"... Under the Mosaic Law, provisions were for made for cases of jealousy where the husband suspected his wife of secret adultery. If there were not the required two witnesses to prove the accusation so that the human witnesses could act to apply the death sentence, the procedure prescribed by the Law was that the couple should present themselves before Jehovah's representative, the priest. This action constituted an appeal to Jehovah, who was aware of all the facts, for His judgement. If adulterous, the woman received, as a direct punishment from Jehovah, the loss of her procreative powers. If the husband's jealousy was unfounded, then he had to have sex relations with her so that she could bear a child. --- Num. 5:11-31.
Aid to Bible Understanding p. 874, pp. 6 cpyrt. 1971
Hmmm... strong emphasis on two witnesses here. It's from Brooklyn AND the Bible. Just keep quoting scripture/Brooklyn:
1) it keeps you busy and with purpose on your mind, your stress will go down.
2) you'll look great, highly scriptural.
3) this is the stunt they always pull, so you'll be one up on them; they CAN'T stop you without looking anti-Bible :)
4) her jaw will hit the floor; BTW, where's her Bible?
5) they'll tire out and shush you and likely go your way.
6) the down-side: you might get promoted.