cheating on you Feild service time

by Iwonder17 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iwonder17

    I'm curious how many people do this and what is the most that you ever wrote down that you didn't do?

    My highest was 12 when I only went out 1 hour

  • lisavegas420

    I PDK's but never lied on my field service report. I mean Jehovah would know, right?


  • UnConfused

    It literally never crossed my mind to do that. (ps - spell check is your friend)

  • Robert7

    I always rounded up. I would count a Saturday always as 2 hours, even though we were out maybe 1/2 hour, and the rest was driving and breaks. And I would add 2 hours of time for 'studying with my kids' even though I didn't. Just brought them to meetings.

  • snowbird

    I never cheated; in fact, I deliberately understated my time so it wouldn't appear I was boasting.


  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Robert is a big poopie stinky head, cuz i would cry at him about NOT studying with the kids and counting the time, and how he was gonna BURN!!!

    I never cheated on service time. i was a good girl.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I never cheated.

  • stillajwexelder

    27 hours when I only did 20

  • digderidoo

    I started off by "borrowing" hours from the following month. In feeling the pressure from pioneering, it culminated in reporting over 70 hours one month when i only did 20 something

    I'm sure i will die at Armaggedon for it


  • FreudianSlip
    I started off by "borrowing" hours from the following month.

    For some reason I found that hilarious.

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