cheating on you Feild service time

by Iwonder17 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TinyDancer124

    I always lied. I put 2 hours every month even though it was really 0. Amazing they never got after me for having such pathetic hours month after month. (this was just before my fade. I actually went out in FS before that. Can't remember if I lied then or not).

  • saklunch

    Oh yes, my husband was a Ministerial Servant and they required the servant and his entire family to meet at least the national average published in the KM - so meet it we did!!!! Even if we didn't go out at all - our goal was to keep them off our back until we were ready.

  • LogosHealer

    I always lied. I stopped going out in field service 2 years before i left that silly religion. 2 full years of lying on my service report. I would report like about 13 hours a month when it would be 0. haha. whatever.

  • AnnOMaly
    I started off by "borrowing" hours from the following month.

    Hey digeridoo, I borrowed from the next month at the end of the month when I was a few hours short of the quota. Then, having started 'in the red,' I'd end up doing the same at the end of that next month too. Crazy, huh?

    There was one time a brother told me about our very diligent congo Secretary. He'd call up those who'd forgotten to give in their time slip for the month. Once, this brother (the one who was telling me the story) had had an accident, was recovering and had got no time in for the month. The Sec called him up and asked for his stats. The brother said he hadn't got anything to report this time. The Sec replied that in this case he would just put down the brother's usual hours on the congo form and send that to the Society! True story!

  • james_woods

    I think that the "cheating by riding around in cars" was almost universal with the pioneers, special pioneers, and even C.O.s and wives that I knew. Especially when gas was way under 50c a gallon.

    We had various little games to play with this - "starting your time"; you make a quick call close to the KH, and then ride 30 miles out into the rurals before the next one., "Starting your time" started out for the actual individual, later became valid for the whole car. In western Oklahoma, out in the rurals (rurals very much more popular with the pioneers than boring city street time), we knew where the roadside blackberry patches were, and whole baskets got picked to supplement our starving pioneer life styles.

    Pioneers in Clinton, OK, where I was - picked our bible studies to be in Weatherford. Pioneers in Weatherford picked Clinton, etc.

    This was all driven, of course, by the sick feeling that we were not bringing in any converts anyway - were never going to bring any in, and we were mostly just giving away the magazines and books to show some literature placements.

    People doing hard labor under the hot sun on roadside chain gangs usually do not knock themselves out with work, either. Or so I have heard.

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