Know this. Either stick to the watchtower rules, or leave.
There rules: There are according to the 'elder-book' three levels of bad behavior.
- flirting (eg) while you don't want to marry a sister, is bad behavior
- kissing and touching any of the three parts of her, or she with your 'part' is sexual uncleaness.
- touching and causing an orgasm, with the other part -is- porneia for which you can be excommunicated.
So, if you don't like to be married, and take responsability for flirting and more, accept that those JW-sisters, will cause havoc.
Second, I'd not stay with this cult for a second.
Leave them rotting, they don't want help, except from the governing body. It is a part of 'babylon the great' that punishes her own members with plagues (for instance, sisters that won't have a child, cannot marry, but die and burn of desire, to be married and have a family).
Consider this, take responsability for your life, don't stand in two countries, -watchtower land- or -your land, that you can create-
if you don't you'll get hurt a lot more.