When life gives you bad apples, make hard cider.
Why Can't People Just Show Appreciation For This Place???
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not just talking about having an agenda in pushing gay themes or porn of any type. I just don't understand why people can't be respectful of one another. Ultimately, it should be about helping a JW get out and stay out of the Organization. There's no need to prove that a person can be a real ass.What's the point?? Of course some persons are simply rebel rousers. They aren't here to support or assist. They're here to create trouble.
There is one other exjw site I visit, I come back to this one, because it offers good discussion of issues that interest me. I haven't seen the gay porn thread, nor do I need to. JK's comment was spot on. Of course this forum has issues from time to time, anytime you put this many people in a room something is going to happen. For the most part I like it here.
We have it pretty good here..Simon Angharad and the Mods do an incredible job..And..We have this wonderful place to come to,because of their efforts..........No porn is allowed on this board..Gay or Straight..Some want to make this a Gay Issue..It`s not...........................OUTLAW
Minimus..Some people are looking for attention..Negative,positive,it dosen`t matter....Just as long as they`re in the middle of a disturbance...............OUTLAW
Personally, I think the people that caused this issue are from another site, where they seem unable to get over JWD. I don't even think they were gay, it's just the tool they used. No pun intended.
Posting ANY porn on this site is like taking a s**t in Simon's living room.
Correct (though the metaphor is a bit much). Notice how much better that balanced viewpoint is than:
I would agree that there is no reason to post porn but certainly not of the gay porn variety
I've been on this site for some time, and it has been of great assistance especially when I first left the 'org'. And others have shown gratitude for me for helping them as well.
But people posting inappropriate material, porn (the threads allegedly containing which, I have not seen) AND the discriminatory comments that have followed, are the kind of thing that will drive people away. -
I think it's fascinating that there are at least two boards out there obsessed with maligning this board and its posters. Clearly, there are those that either feel rejected by this community, or have an axe to grind for some other reason - they clearly do not aprpeciate this board. I wonder if this is related to some sort of Loki archtype within them.
I appreciate this place, and don't believe that I have done anything to detract from it's purpose.
I think it's sad that some people are so twitched out over sex acts that even heterosexual people at times engage in.
I wonder if the later posts that brought up sex and porn were hijacking this thread, since neither of these issues were brought up in the OP.
I respectfully reply, that I think that the living room metaphor is apropos to this situation.
Sometimes you have to hit dolts in the side of the head with a shovel to open their minds.
Why Can't People Just Show Appreciation For This Place???
My mother use to say the same thing about the Organization.
When people feel there are problems they should be able to voice their opinions without threat of termination.
Otherwise what have we really learned since leaving the JW's??