You see, this place houses the "good apostates".
Why Can't People Just Show Appreciation For This Place???
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
I appreciate this forum. It has been very educational for me. Some of the research privided here has been the best.
I avoid threads that seem to be devoted to straight, bi, gay topics exclusively. You can find that stuff anywhere on the net, even when you don't want to.
I don't post very often. But I think Simon deserves a large THANK YOU for helping to liberate so many people from the WT BS.
Simon please keep up the good work, even if it is trying at times!
Thanks again!
jimbo -
People should choose what suits them best. For example, there is an advertisement free forum for ex-jws at
I have been around the exjw forum sites since 2002 and enjoy my time spent.
PS---Anyone here from or remember Timothy Campbell's former beyond-jw site? It was one of the originals and Tim still has his link to this place at his site.
I won't be one of those people. I am addicted to this place.
I'm glad I was able to find this forum, and though the posting output from me might dip at times, I don't think I could leave.
MINIMUS- I agree with you ! This website is a great asset to people exiting the witness " mind control" and for those of us that exited it years ago. I have learned many things I would have never known had it not been for this site ! Thanks to Simon for keeping it here so people can benefit ! It is one hell of a discussion board, and support board as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I'm starting to think someone knocked over the apple cart.
On a side note, Did it occur to anyone else that a Jehovah's Witness might have done it to get the board closed by the powers that be? In my experience online with jw's I have seen VERY unchristian and even hateful conduct and lies to have my comments deleted along with personal attacks that slander my name.
This is a very real possibility. The anonymity of the internet allows many of them to take off the mask of the "kingdom smile" and become sneaky. My own blog was hacked into by an unknown Witness who knew I was gay, and posted homosexual pornographic shots on it and emailed the link to many of my JW friends. I don't use pornographic sites and I'm in a stable relationship of 2-years and counting, so you can imagine how hurt I was when I discovered this. Being gay has nothing to do with the problem, the problem is ignorant people who abuse the freedom and anonymity of the internet.
Although I will greatly miss this site, in a way I'm glad it is being shut down. I've had many intelligent discussions and debates here, but many of them turn into personal attacks when people who cannot rationally and civilly support their argument, decide to lash out in personal attacks against the poster or some quoted expert. That's not a good environment for lurkers or people who have serious doubts about the WTS, because it forces them back into the cult, with a tangible excuse not to stray from the flock again.
For example, yes we realise you are a Christian, but why continue to call homosexuality disgusting, and say things like "I'm not a homophobe at all, if a man wants to shove his *** where the sun don't shine it's his choice"? That kind of comment is not necessary, and it breeds hate. Equally, as an atheist I would never resort to calling Christians or theists idiots or other names. Most of us have been disciplined and trained by one of the most mentally oppressive religions out there, the least we can do is keep some of the good qualities we learned while we were there such as self-control, peace and kindness.
I currently live in Japan a very conformist society. The crime rate is extremely low here, but the policing is minimal. Japan has many serious problems of course, but people in general here have self-control and a natural aversion to offending others. The bane of this site (and of Western cvilisation in general) is that people abuse their freedom of speech, and self-control and lack respect for others. This results in lack of respect for the beliefs of others, for the rules of the forum and for the unspoken rules of the internet.
Yes it's a "free country" and you don't have to do anything, and it's even highly undesirable to be conformist or self-deprecating in any way (as the Japanese are good at doing). But it would contribute to a nice environment if that vehement minority of trolls and abusers could show a little more self regulation. Maybe then this site would not have been scheduled for closure.
Dorayakiiof the sorry for ranting class.