Insearchoftruth, A most important thing is to not appear opposed to her studying. As soon as you do that, they will read her all kinds of scriptures about enduring persecution and how any opposition from family members proves that Satan doesn't want her to study, blah, blah, blah. Don't play into their hands. You said, "I may talk about how I am an engineer and do QA by my trade, then research may not be an issue....I also got the line from my wife that I am a smart person so she has no idea how I have not figure this all out by now.....I hate full jw mode!" I hate to say this, but JWs are actually insulting you when they say you're smart. In their mind they're recalling scriptures like 1Cor chapter 1: 19 For it is written: “I will make the wisdom of the wise [men] perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual [men] I will shove aside.” 20 Where is the wise man? Where the scribe? Where the debater of this system of things? Did not God make the wisdom of the world foolish? [...]26 For YOU behold his calling of YOU, brothers, that not many wise in a fleshly way were called, not many powerful, not many of noble birth; 27 but God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put the strong things to shame; 28 and God chose the ignoble things of the world and the things looked down upon, the things that are not, that he might bring to nothing the things that are... They commonly begin sentences with, "True-hearted people know..." or "Open-hearted people will see..." or "Truly intelligent people will agree..." so when you don't know, or see, or believe it must therefore be because you aren't true-hearted, open-hearted, or truly intelligent. If you can stay loving and appear open to them but then tell them 'I'm sorry this doesn't make sense to me', 'this doesn't seem logical', 'this just doesn't feel right to me' you'll have a chance of showing your wife by your example that they're wrong.[aaaagghhh! I sound like a WT!!!!] I guess I'm saying to play by their rules and beat them... Good luck, we're all with you! And whatever you do- I'm sure you've been told this before- NEVER admit to being on these forums!
Help!! JW sister calling tonight to answer questions
by insearchoftruth 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ack! How come my posts look like a truck and everyone else's has nice spacing?
Thanks again everyone....I got the same line from my are a smart person, I know you will figure this out...full blown jw mode is awful.
You are correct however about not opposing the studies or what she wants to do with meetings etc....that is one of the first things they tell a potential, people are going to be against you finding the truth.
The husband was a real interesting person, he really did not know much, and like most jws, did not know their history, but he told me how wonderful it is to research. How terrible would the backlash be if I 'came across' the MSNBC article on the child abuse settlement that B the X linked me to?