what angers you about the truth

by stillajwexelder 50 Replies latest social relationships

  • boyzone

    What angers me is that after a full year of leaving, I'm still angry. Why does it take so long to move on?

  • nameless_one

    Twisting and caging and repressing people from birth, robbing them of decades of healthy happy life, stunting natural growth and learning, instilling fear, holding families hostage, making "damaged but free" a hard-earned goal at an unspeakably high price. And the obscenity of doing it all in the name of "truth."

  • milliemootoo

    It really makes me angry that they act they are so loving when in fact they are the most unloving group of people.

    It has been 14 weeks since my Mum died and my Dad is struggling so much and his Mum (my Nana) can't even bring herself to call him because she is an elders wife and Dad hasn't been to the meeting for 10ish years.

    Where is the love????????????????? Not in the JW's thats for sure....

  • slimboyfat

    Stilla, I am interested in what the board continuing has to do with referring to the Witnesses as "the truth"?

  • stillajwexelder

    Stilla, I am interested in what the board continuing has to do with referring to the Witnesses as "the truth"?

    Difficult to explain what I am trying to say. In the KH etc I call it the truth. On this baord I sometimes call it the truth out of sheer habit. I am trying to come up with a phrase that will not get people ganging up on me when I am online "The Truth" is just convenient even though it is not "The Truth"

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    stilla i would never gang up on you , I really do like you

    However using the term "the Truth " is something that still gets under my skin . From all that I have learned over the past three yrs, it is anything but the truth . When I talk with my sister in law or in laws ,that are still witnesses , they always use that term "the truth" this "the truth " that and it really burns me up .In my mind I always say "the lie " when they say that .

    Now back to the subject .......It angers me that the Jehovahs Witness way of life teaches people to become superficial and fake . It really bothered me when I was a believer that Jesus was pushed into the background and the FDS was emphasized more and more .

    As far as the Good Shepards .....I have to concur that it always seemed they were right there any time there was an over step on your part , but where were they when you needed comfort and guidance . I didn't feel we had spiritual shepards that were shelters from the wind storms of life .

    I'll never forget the sheparding call we got one time were we ended up being the comfort to the visitng elder instead of the other way around ........

    This poor elder had been diagnosed with advanced level of cancer , his teenage son was in all sorts of trouble and his elderly in laws were living with his family in a small home together .

    Out of all our elders He was a truely heart felt man and loved God . The day of the visit he was stood up by the other elder or MS and we could see the weight of the world was on his shoulders . He said a few things about being down and depressed and we tried to share scriptures and encouragement with him to make him feel better . When he left my family just looked at each other , and said WOW that was different for a sheparding call !

  • dobbie

    Nothing angers me personally anymore as i've gone past the stage i was at where iwas so full of rage at them all. It saddens me though to think of all those bringing their kiddies up in it, and the fear of not being able to leave because of the shunning, if i were to feel anger at any of them it would mainly be to the ones at the 'top' like the gb or elders etc who make the rules and implement them, tho i'm sure half of them just go along with it and know its not right ie blood etc

  • av8orntexas

    People readily and easily judge you upon, the slightest suspicion.

    Everything is conditional...it was harder to make true friends in the truth,than out. I had friends,but cliques abounded so much,it was like trying to get in the Italian Mob.

    It can be a lonely place if you don't fit in with them......

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    the thing I hate about it is how cowardly it is to critical debate.

    I hate the ridiculous extremes of ‘reason’ it promotes in order to maintain belief in it, and how frightened it is to stand up to scrutiny, the fact that there is no open way to debate what it teaches and believes in.

    There is no reasoning with it and it is too closed minded and arrogant to ever attain truth and that is why it doesn’t have truth…..so therefore could never be the ‘truth’……

    But what angers me most about it is the way that it hurts people, mostly vulnerable people. So many times I have seen it bulldoze peoples emotions and crush them to the point where their spirit is broken inside of them, leaving them riddled with guilt and self condemnation, confirmed by the self-righteous who can’t wait to put these weak ones down so as to attain their own feelings of ‘spiritual’ superiority. For these I have hatred and contempt…..

    This is when I wished there was a god, so that the injustice could be corrected….

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hi Stilla,

    Nice to see you're still around. I just got done reading the "stick it to Stilla" thread from the other day. Sheez. I'm glad you keep a thick enough skin to keep posting. It's hard at times but I think it does help provide a broader spectrum to have active JWs posting here. Especially for lurkers who still aren't sure whether Satan lurks here too.

    re: the term "The Truth"

    I try to only use that term when I'm fully conscious of it and doing it for the specific purpose of sounding like a 100% true blue JW. For example, if the only people within earshot are elders, it's "THE TRUTH" all the way. I'll throw in quite a few "The Slave says" while I'm at it.

    But, say it's just my JW-loyal wife and kids and no elders. Different story. I want my kids and wife to hear as little insider "cult language" from my mouth as possible while still not sounding full-blown apostate. So I'll say things like "Jehovah's Witnesses teach..." or "this religion" or "The Watchtower has taught..." so that I sound more like a neutral 3rd party observer.

    And, finally, when it comes to JWD it's either "da truth" or "da troof" or "JWism" or "the dubs", etc.

    As to the visits by elders, here's another sad reality. Most elders, (as you well know) have very little time left for the flock by the time they're done making a living (uneducated usually), being a husband/father and doing the required number of hours on the JW elder hamster-wheel. Then what few hours per year they CAN manage to squeeze out to visit the flock, there's no way it's going to just be a "Hey, how you doing" visit. It's going to be an official "SHEPHERDING CALL" so they can score brownie points with fellow elders and the CO.

    I hate to give the WT ideas for improvement, but here goes.

    1. Eliminate formal "shephering calls" altogether and change the name of these joy killers to "Counseling Visits". (Blech.) That way if two elders wearing suits want to meet with you, you can be SURE it's because they want to bust you for something.

    2. Encourage informal "hey how's it going" visits.

    3. Allow these to be just one elder.

    4. Allow him/them to wear jeans and T-shirt. (Never gonna happen now since exemplary "True Christians" (tm) only wear khakis & polo shirts during their down time.)

    5. Discourage nosiness during these visits. (eg inspecting music/movie/book collections)

    6. Allow moderate alcohol consumption during these visits.

    *OM wakes up suddenly*

    Oh yeah.

    This is the dubs.

    Not gonna happen.


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