what angers you about the truth

by stillajwexelder 50 Replies latest social relationships

  • carla

    As a non jw.... what doesn't anger me about the wt? or you could catch me in a wish-washy day and instead ask me what I don't 'pity' about those stuck in the jw's. In general I would say the pedophile issue and general unloving attitude bother me the most. As a ubm I would say it is difficult to live with someone who thinks you deserve to be dead (even if they will not verbalize it, their literature does). The stories here and on all ex jw boards sometimes brings me to tears, the childhoood stories, df stories, family, abuse, etc..etc..etc....... just shameful.

    Sometimes some ex jw's seem to excuse the behavior of jw's as 'doing the best they knew how'. I, at times can only shake my head at that because sometimes I don't think being 'sincere' or 'doing the best you know' is enough. The are 'nice' people, and so forth. Not good enough, not when innocent chidren are involved. Yes, children are incrediblly resilent but that doesn't mean they should suffer at the hands of fruitcakes, no matter how 'sincere' they are. To see so many families destroyed and not only for today but for genrerations! The wts has much to answer for. I think people forget that the shunning will affect generations not only their personal life. I grieve for all of them (you).

  • sf

    what angers you about the truth

    That it is, in FACT, not the truth, at all.

    THAT, in itself, is infuriating.

    Innocent children, dragged about their lives, by their insane jw parents, abiding by insane, DEADLY POLICIES, with [edited to say WITH, not without] wreckless ABANDON{MENT}.

    Again carla, you are a master with that Nail Gun girl.


  • jimbo

    I agree with most here, that calling it "The Truth" is truly dishonest. When my own mother said something about me leaving the "Truth", I firmly made it clear that the truth has never been more important to me.

    She could not quite grasp the significance of my statement. She is nearly 89 years old and mostly a sweet old lady, so it is easy to overlook her misunderstanding of my reasons for avoiding JW speak and JWism. Their "pure language" is really quite distorted and full of errors.

    Best regards to all!


  • Dorktacular

    What angers me about "the truth"? The fact that it wasn't the truth!

  • startingovernow

    Wow, so I wasn't the only one!

    When I was continuing my "Bible Study" after baptism, the "sister" conducting it had all the time in the world to talk to me (I know realized it's because she was counting it). She did not, however, train me in field service, I learned that by myself, sometimes literally all by myself because no one else showed up to the group (yes, I now realize how dangerous this was, but at the time I had just given up college to preach, so I was going to preach).

    When my "Bible Study" was over and I called to speak to this "sister" about things that were troubling me (mostly about the inconsistencies over what I had "studied" about the "true Christian Congregation" and what was happening in the congregation we were in, she was suddenly too busy (not able to count her time).

    When I talked to others about what I was seeing in the congregation and how it didn't make sense to me compared to what I had been "studying" I was told by others that that reaction often happens with people who are "new." Oh how I wish I had realized then what I know now and gotten out! But the hope of living forever in paradise sure does have a strong draw, doesn't it?

  • truthseeker

    The Governing Body "knowingly" deceiving millions of witnesses. They are aware of the issues. I know a brother who works as a secretary at Bethel - don't tell me he doesn't read the mail that comes in from many disgruntled dubs.

    They KNOW the issues, but they continue to do nothing about them.

    The higher education issue angers me.

    Elders not shepherding and yet telling us from the platform that isn't this a wonderful loving congregation.

    The pressure to do more and more and if you're a brother, they won't leave you alone even if you're meeting the national average.

  • JimmyPage

    You can't leave! I mean, you can, but not without the risk of losing friends and family. It's so sad.

  • Jesika

    OK...........where do I begin.....

    First of all.......the notion of not being judgemental.....that is ALL they do is judge.

    They are the judge...........jury.....and ex.....no disfellowshipper.......worse then execution.....(In the long run I learned actually helped me).

    Claiming to be "humble"...............humble???? not likely.........I can't even measure the ego the Society has.

    The fact they believe they are above the law........sexual abuse directory they have is enough to enrage anyone.

    What calms me from the anger..............is knowing I have escaped the clutches of the cult I was raised in, and I have bettered my life, and my son's life.

    I am stronger...........wiser......my eyes are open........I make my own choices.......and I live without guilt!!!

    That is true freedom..............there is NO price on that, anywhere.

    It is a good feeling knowing you can channel such anger......into a postive thing........that is the sweetest revenge..........to be happy and content, with yourself.....to smile in the mirror everyday.

    That is a gift you can only give yourself..............and it is priceless.............and for your children to see that in you.............is worth all the treasures in the world!

    SO...........anger.............yes..............I had it.......it had its place............but now......the supposed "truth".....gave me strength beyond what most could imagine.

    I turned my anger into a good thing. It isn't easy I will admit...........but very worth it.


  • tank3r87

    I just dont like the fact that they judge other people and thinking that their the only holy people around. besides, the big guy up there's gonna judge us all. so what gives them the right to judge others? Weird aint it? I'm so gonna be there when god judges them:D

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    That the Bethelite(s) assigned to read this thread can do so and still think it is the truth.

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