So far it looks like the main thing that angers most if the total lack of love shown at times when it is needed.
I can verify this, at a time when myself and my family needed the help and support of "Jehovahs loving organisation." Was to be kicked while we were down. Elders visting offering support - nil. Brothers/sisters disappeared from visiting.
Judicial Committee set up, within two months of me having attempted suicide and diagnosed as having, acute clinical depression. Incidentally I learnt recently that according to their "Elders Manual" that a JC should not be held with a person suffering depression.
Getting my wife to get me to leave home because I was a "spiritual danger" to the family.
This from an organisation for 25 yrs at the time, that as I said above, "Jehovahs loving organisation".
I have often said ifthey had shown the love and support, they say they do, then the chance would be I would still be a JW.
Instead it caused them more harm than good. Out of 9 members of my family only 3 are still JWs. 3 DA'd, 3 decided not to have anything to do with JWs.
Yet in all this they believe that they di the "loving thing."