If an ass has her ears plugged, is she a dumbass?
random smartassness
by [crazypanda] 44 Replies latest social family
Maybe.... just maybe..... a spanked ass may say, "ooh that hurts... do it a again.... please?"
If an ass is a noisy ass in the bathroom, is the asshole that made the ass noise the only ass that can hear it? Or can other assholes hear it too? Kinda like "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
If an ass has her ears plugged, is she a dumbass?
JD, stop boring your dates and they will stop plugging their ears.
Tyrone van leyen
Oh dear Sparky, please cease the malarky. Your daughter is crazy, but her insults are hazy. Maybe it's just a wee little phasey.
While John and Black pearl, check their verbage, I will be smoking, some more, fine herbage.
John Doe
JD, stop boring your dates and they will stop plugging their ears.
Would picking my nose alleviate boredom?
Tyrone van leyen
Hmm, your not bad sweetstuff. I tell you, John brings out the best of us!
this is from Websters, for dumb "temporarily unable to speak"; it seems that dumbness is a plugged mouth
(the old saying "deaf & dumb" refers to a deaf mute: one who cannot hear or speak; it seems medically common to have both. So there is some confusion?)
Indeed, while you're smoking some more herbage, we will be checking our verbiage. Well... after having checked on our verbiage, the results are in. There is no sin in using incorrect verbiage. While there is some incorrect use of the verbiage, the grammatical meaning of the wordage is still the same.
John Doe
You're right mustang, I've confused my words again.