What Do You Like Least About The JW Religion?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    For me, I think it's that they are 100% intolerant. Even if they are espousing an erroneous view and it is pointed out to them why they are incorrect, YOU would be "running ahead" if you still did not support the error until THEY state that a change in viewpoint has been made!

  • DJK

    Hearing or reading anything from the bible.

    Attending meetings.

    Door to door work.

  • dobbie

    Oh my goodness i wouldn't know where to start! Whole blood thing combined with fear of d'f/d'aand shunning i think!

  • M.J.

    The fact that they set up a machine and the machine became God.


    The thing I like least is,the WBT$ runs the Cult..Jw`s have no say in anything that goes on in their lives..They are reduced to mindless robots..Blah BlahBlah BlahBlah Blah........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    The religion acts anything but real Christian.

  • shamus100

    Constant negativity.

  • minimus

    being guilty over nuthin'.

  • Finally-Free

    They insist on their own rights as a religious entity while trampling the individual rights of its members.


  • james_woods

    I think that overall, it the total arrogance they display toward everyone and everything else in the world.

    All bible prophecy is directly focused on the WTS and the WTS alone. They and they alone have the right to expand doctrine beyond anything that the early christians ever thought of teaching, and beyond anything that any other group of christians has taught down through history. And not just small changes - we are talking about radical reformation of any previous christian docrtine anywhere back to 33 A.D.

    All these doctrinal re-originations are perfectly correct, even when they get changed multiple times and repeatedly prophecy does not come true.

    This is arrogance far to exceed the Pharisaical of the bible days.

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