Here's some good questions for you building 7 denyers. I can't wait for the responses:
1. If Building 7 were really demolitioned as you say it was NOT, how would it have looked different than it does falling completely uncontrolled and unplanned, as you say it WAS?
2. Could the world's best structural engineers have made the building fall even more straight down on top of itself than it actually did?
3. How would it look different had it been planned and executed by the world's finest demolition experts?
4. Has any building in the history of human kind ever fallen so magnificently straight down due to a small fire?
5. Should we now expect other buildings to fall similarly?
6. Would you sue your contractor if the building he built fell like Tower 7 after a few small fires?
7. Do we have the technology to build buildings that do not totally collapse when on fire?
8. Have there ever been towers that have been practically completely engulfed in fire and yet did not fall?
9. In light of the fact that buildings are now known to completely collapse when they experience a small fire, do you still venture into high rises?
10. Should contractors and engineers be expected to build structures that can stay standing inspite of being totally engulfed with flames? Is that kind of technology anailable?
11. Are the engineers and archetects of Bldg. 7 now totally revamping their approach to building thigh rises? What lessons did they learn from the collapse of bldg. 7?
12. Would you hire the builders or designers of building 7?
13. Are there other buildings that are similar to bldg. 7 (in size, shape, materials used to build it) still standing? Other buildings built by the same firm that built building 7 still standing? Should we then investigate these other structures lest a small fire bring them down as well?
14. Would you feel safe entering into a building that is similar to building 7, built by the same contractors and designers and around the same age, knowing that their other work failed so easily during a small fire?
15. Does anyone know if the firm that built bldg. 7 is being sued right now? What do these builders say in their defense? Was their product a good one?