You trust this guy???
ummm ... not really
In my poor opinion, the Bush administration will be remembered as the worst since the Harding adminstration. 1920-1921. Google Teapot Dome scandal.
In my single digit IQ opinion, Cheney and Rumsfeld connived in a most Machevallian way (totally) to bring about the Iraq invasion in 2003. A year-and-a-half after Sept. 11, 2001. And after the invasion of Afghanistan.
I remember listening to Bush when he was the spokesman for the secret (to this day) group of investors who "owned" the Texas Rangers baseball club from 1988-1994, the group that sold after the citizens of Arlington, Texas voted to build them a stadium for free. I thought, in 1990, he was an idiot, and a tool for those pulling the strings, and I thought so again when he was governor of Texas. Geez you'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise. The first time I ever voted was in 2004, and I held my nose voting for Kerry (speaking of tools).
See you're willing to demonize someone just because they disagree with you without taking the time, and patience, to interact with them.
Quit preaching and starting talking.