Ever had the Windshield replaced on your car?....

by restrangled 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Watch for updates.....I had this done 4 months after buying a new car.....it has leaked so badly 3 years later, .....I had 2 inches of water in my car from front to back on the passenger side. Supposedly a life time warrantee. I expect the carpet to be replaced and any wiring/radio/ airconditioning problems to be taken care of.

    It has sat for 6 days after storm fay with these problems, with me suctioning out the water, using household bath towls, and a plastic cover over the car.

    I will let you know how Geico handles this. I have a 500.00 decutible that I am refusing to pay for comp coverage. I believe the windshield company shoud pay for all.

    If you have had experience with this let me know, otherwise I will keep you posted should this happen to you.

    My appointment is tomorrow morning and I am going to fight like a bull dog.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have had three windshilds replaced in my adult life and never had even so much as a tiny drip. Whoever put it in must have really been a noob or drunk. I agree with you that the glass company should pay if Geico refuses.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Am I reading you correctly that you replaced the windshield three years ago and it's just now leaking?

  • blondie

    Not yet, but we have a 2 separate windshields repaired for small nicks. Both were nicked by rocks that flew up from the road........

  • Highlander
    Watch for updates

    I'll be waiting day and night for your updates.

    it has leaked so badly 3 years later

    This isn't a 30 year warranty home roof we're talking about. 3 years and one tropical storm can cause things like this to happen. Don't be surprised if the windshield company doesn't pay for this. Hopefully you have comprehensive coverage for your vehicle.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    about 6 months ago I was on the freeway. A truck ahead of me was losings lumber. My windshield was crashed and that piece of shit tried to get away. I chased him down. My hood. roof and windshield were damaged

  • blondie

    We had a window shot out (fortunately we weren't in the car at the time); and one time a thief broke the window and trashed the car when he/she found nothing to steal.

    We have had nicks repaired and they lasted several years until we sold our car.

    It helps if there is a guarantee in case it doesn't last that long.

    Love, Blondie

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I have three "bullseyes" in my windscreen....had one filled and fixed, but don't care anymore.

  • restrangled

    Good news with Geico....

    The original glass company came out and claimed they couldn't find a leak....(lifetime guarantee). Hose tested for 20 minutes. The Geico rep and repair manager went out and did their own test.....sure enough, the repair rep stuck his head up under the dash and suddenly got soaked. They are calling the glass company back. I have to pay my deductible but Geico is going to subrogate for my $500.00 and their own costs, which includes a car rental.

    It's a good feeling to pay an insurance company that takes care of its customers,..... which seems rare these days.


  • SnakesInTheTower


    It's a good feeling to pay an insurance company that takes care of its customers,..... which seems rare these days.

    good for you...nice to know customer service has not gone completely to hell.

    I had a windshield replaced a number of years ago. I had a chip but it was within the drivers view. At the time, State Farm insisted on replacing windshields rather than repairing cracks in the driver viewing area because they got sued by (and lost to) a guy who had a chip repair done at SF insistence, got in a head-on because, in this guys words:" the light refracted off the repair and blinded me." Yeah right... so State Farm changed its policy and waived the deductible on windshields. I think they went back to chip repair now...dunno..dont have SF anymore...they were hell to deal with. Some states dont allow chip repair, insist the insurers buy a new windshield (I think KY is that way).

    Stay dry....

    Snakes ()

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